
Updated Studio with Tailor's Bench

9:39 AM

Our house has been in the process of being reorganized and remodeled all year. My sewing area was originally in the basement but after all was said and done, it has ended up in my over sized closet. It's a lot less space that I've been accustomed to for the past five years, but I've actually enjoyed being forced to simplify. I downsized to 3 machines and I got rid of two thirds of my fabric which filled an entire car.

The crowning jewel of my new work space is the tailor's bench. My brother Herschel and I designed and built it together. It has storage shelves, a large smooth work area, and a press board on hinges that can easily be lifted out of the way if needed. I decided to build the tailor's bench this way to consolidate space, that way I don't need to have three separate work areas like I used to.

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  1. I love your work area. this is my dream! We are also remodelling and my space is also dwindling, but the tailors bench is genius, I am going to see if there is somewhere I can put one. - Annie

  2. Annie, I hope your remodel goes well. I know what a headache it can be! and I really hope you get your tailor's bench. It's so convenient.


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