Building A House

Rustic Mantle Beam Install and Drywall

12:49 PM
 CHECK OUT ALL OUR HOUSE BUILDING POSTS!! We hired out the drywall. But before the crew could come we had a few custom projects to do ourselves. RUSTIC MANTLE BEAMS: We have two fireplaces and wanted rustic wood mantles. We sourced beams, and decided we didn't want bolts visible on the front, so we had to mount them to the framing before drywall....


Building A House

Stained Glass in Master Bathroom

1:28 PM
FOLLOW ALL MY HOUSE PROJECTS HERE! This project started before we ever broke ground on our house build. My mom helped me create a leaded glass window for the master bathroom to go over a tub. Stained Glass Part 1. Because it was an exterior window, it was installed by the framers and endured the entire building process. Framing and rough plumbing and...



African Wedding Jacket and Everyday Dress

11:01 AM
A fellow boxer commissioned me to sew him a custom wedding jacket with traditional African details. This is one of my favorite garments I've ever created. His beautiful bride had some African fabric and she wanted a simple dress. With such a large scale print, it was important to place the pieces strategically when I cut it out. var _gaq = _gaq ||...



Rolling Stool with Leather Upholstery and $50 Giveaway from Leather Hide Store

3:00 AM
When my husband and I designed our house, we omitted having a formal office. In our rental we dedicated our smallest bedroom as an office but found we never used it unless we were fetching something we printed.  Most of our "office" time was spent using lap tops on our couch in our main living area. So we decided our habits probably wouldn't...


Building A House

DIY Steel Siding

8:26 PM
CHECK OUT ALL OUR POSTS RELATED TO BUILDING OUR HOUSE HERE! Our home has a double deck of sorts. The main floor has a back deck, which is on top of the walk out basement patio area. This basement walk out patio needed exterior finishing, but for the most part won't be seen or exposed to the elements....so I of course wanted to...


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