
Craft Room

6:00 AM

I love to see other crafter's work spaces.  So here's mine if you're interested.
I have one more little project I'd like to add, but it may not happen for a long time, so this is pretty much it.
The room is so small, I can't really get one photo of everything.

Here's everything I made/ remodeled for this room:

Some of my favorites on this wall:
All the colorful thread, at the perfect height to make it easy to change colors when I need to, because I am lazy about matching thread.
Next to my sewing machine I have my thread snippers, so much easier and quicker than scissors to snip threads after each seam!
Magnetic pin holder.
Clay vase thing I made in 8th grade that's big and thick to hold scissors, seam gauge, pens, etc.

My sewing machine: Bernina 1120. 
I was raised on my mom's Bernina 1130, which is the same machine but has more stitches and is just fancier.
I found this machine on craigslist for a reasonable price, and since it's an all metal Bernina, it should last me the rest of my life...as long as I break down and pay for regular maintenance which I need to do.
LAMP!  The cool bronze architect lamp was a gift from my little sister Lynette, who saw it at a thrift store for $6.00 and knew I'd love it.
Other favorites from the shelves:

All the ribbon odds and ends not on spools I keep in jars.  The fish bowl shaped one was from the thrift store for $1.00, the other two I had already.
These are actually all from my husband's grandma.  She collected buttons and when she passed away, his mom gave me a few of her junk buttons.
Jars from thrift stores.  These jars with rubber fitted lids were more expensive, $1.50 each.

This is a tight space, where I have most of my fabric storage.  You can see the desk jutting out, this room is small, and we're pretty tight.
I like to throw on movies when I'm working on projects, most of the time I chose movies I've seen a lot so I can just listen and not actually watch it, but occasionally pop my head up to see my favorite parts.

The crate I've had my entire life.  It's a milk crate from a local dairy in Draper, UT near where I grew up.
As a kid I used it as my dirty laundry, then shoe storage, and different things, and now it holds my "projects to do".
In there right now I have fabric to make me some skirts, a quilt top to cut and sew, owl backpack to finish, painted baby onesies to make into dresses, a stuffed animal that needs mending, and there may be a few other things I forgot about.

Is the cutting table.  I got it for free from craigslist, it is a church sacrament table.  I built stilts to make it high so I can work comfortably, I think it's 38" high.  I'm tall, and it's nice not to have to bend over to work.  I do a lot on there other than cutting just because it's a good height.
On the cutting table, I have another thrift store vase $.50 to hold more fabric scissors, rotary blade, ruler, etc.
My mom made this little wood box and I keep my tailor chalk in there.
Another magnetic pin holder.

You may be wondering:
Well I use it to store:
All my clothing to upcycle.
Before we take old clothes to Good Will, I go through and grab things I know I can use.  So this is the stash and I do use it frequently.  It's kind of color coordinated, many pieces have plans I hope to get to one day.
The WHOLE FOODS grocery basket.
Well, I got that when I was 15.  I was dancing for the summer in San Francisco, and my roommate was vegan and so Whole Foods was her dietary heaven.  It was both our first time in Whole Foods.  They were pretty new then I guess.  She loved the store so much, she wanted a momento, I just wanted a basket to carry all my stuff home on the bus that day.  We asked an employee if we could have or buy a basket.  He got the manager.  The manager looked at us like we were weirdos, and said: "you can't buy them, but if they're gone we'll never notice," and he walked off.  So we kind of stole the baskets with their permission... sort of.
So the Whole Foods basket holds all my scraps.  It's bulging, but I use scraps all the time, especially for applique when you just need small pieces of specific colors/ patterns.
I hammered in a little nail on the side to hang my huge ruler on the right.

That's about it.  You can see my serger tucked in the corner, another craigslist purchase for $40.  It's a classic Bernette.  I think I was able to snag it so cheap because the seller didn't know what it was or what it did, that was a great find.

So I'm impressed you made it this far!  It's small, but I feel like I've made the most of every nook and cranny to make the space workable.  I also have the average sized closet full of stuff too. 
Now this space will shortly become a sweat shop with superhero cape production for my Etsy shop that is currently empty.  I'm kind of getting sick of superhero capes.

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  1. Great craft space! That's a sweat shop I wouldn't mind getting "stuck" in. :)


  2. LOVE it. Very functional and a great place to work. Hopefully someday soon I will have my own dedicated corner for creating.

  3. It's perfect! Completely functional and a great use of the space...I am totally jealous though, at this point my crafting is done on counter tops then put in the closet before kiddos wake up.

    I suppose I should stop having so many blasted kiddos so I can have a craft room :)

  4. um, this looks amazing! And I love Love LOVE the cutting table! This is totally going on my crafty room wishlist. And I have the perfect spot for it... if only I didn't have a piano in my craft room.....

  5. Hey, cute Jessica! It was so much fun to see you comment on my blog and to see your DARLING face next to it! I hope your life is wonderful. It was fun to browse your blog as well. :)

  6. Oh, and P.S.: Kori's blog is www.streebor.blogspot.com. I just emailed her the link to yours.

  7. Hi Jessica! Wow your new house is adorable!! I love the wall color and might steal it :) We just bought our first house and closed on it two days ago. We have a lot of light turquoise and have been looking for a good paint color. I'm glad my mom told me about your blog! So fun to see how you are doing! Does Lynette have a blog? I would love to know what she is up to! -Kori

  8. I love seeing other people's crafty spaces - it gives me ideas for my own! I love that you got an old sacrament table to use for the cutting table! How perfect is that? Would never find one of those out here... ;)

    Thanks for commenting on my frog! I appreciated the comment!

  9. Hello Jessica,

    your blog is very lovly.You make goed work.

    greatings send you Conny

  10. Jess, you're ah-mazing! Seriously, I love your blog and could look at it for a long, long, long time. Thanks for sharing your talents.

  11. I just found your blog today and am slower getting through it. Thanks so much for sharing your sewing space.

  12. I love all of the beautiful colors of thread! That's inspiration in itself. Thanks for sharing your craft space with us!

  13. Thanks so much for sharing! My craft space is smashed into my bedroom right now and I don't have a desk big enough for my computer and sewing machine (I'm a fellow Bernina lover!) but there are some closet doors in our basement...so your idea got me thinking! I am definitely going to check into converting one of those into my sewing table this weekend! P.S. You've got another follower!


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