We're visiting our nieces/nephews and Aubree got a Hello Kitty sewing machine for Christmas and wanted to sew something. So I helped her make a little tote to hold her Nintendo DS. She did a great job. We scrimped from the scraps lying around and had enough to fully line her new little tote, and add the bird applique. Great job Aubree. ...
I'm so excited that this little bluebird is going to Franny, my friend Katherine's daughter. This little bluebird was the first backpack I made and I've grown attached to him, so I was happy to know where he was going. I hope she likes it! ...
My cousin, Stephanie is an awesome artist. I commissioned a painting from her, and we're trading. I'm making her some skirts and she's painting. I definitely owe her more than skirts for her art work, but for now she'll only accept the skirts so we'll see how I can get even.These photos stink...I know.The first skirt was for the wedding. For the rest...
I just finished a skirt for my cousin, Stephanie. It's a high waisted pencil skirt for her to wear to our other cousin's wedding this week. I liked the fabric she chose. ...
This little shop has handmade things for kids. Mainly tag books, mobiles, and animal backpacks. I'm thinking of selling the patterns for the backpacks if there is enough interest. They are all completely original designs. One night my little sister, Lynette, were in creative mode and came up with all these great ideas and I'm finally getting them sewn and out there hoping...
for Ashley ...
I don't have that large of a chest, but I hate when a button-up blouse fits great everywhere, but across the chest, it doesn't quite accommodate enough, and the buttons hold it together, but the fabric gaps. Now I'm not talking the shirt is too small and the buttons are holding on for dear life, but those tops where a larger size would...
Just like the mobile below, except opposite colors, green exterior, skyblue interior. ...