
More Monsters!

3:09 PM

Another backpack for my little Etsy shop.  Blue furry monster on gray corduroy with triple eyes and legs. I also like the little green horns poking out.  I'm enjoying monsters over animals lately.

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  1. oh that is SO cute...you KNOW I will be ordering one of those when Jack starts preschool!

    By the way, it's killing me not knowing which craft is yours for that contest...I think I have it narrowed down to two. Let's hope I picked the right one!

  2. That is really lovely!
    I too voted, hope it was you!

  3. We just saw the movie "How to Train your Dragon" and it was awesome. I think you should make some dragon stuff!

  4. Such a fun backpack. Nice to "meet" you! Best wishes with SYTYC.

  5. Too cute!! I wish my girls were younger- I might buy one for me!


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