
Sewing Summit

5:30 AM

I have so much to share about my experience from Sewing Summit last weekend, but before I do, a few other bloggers had a little side project to swap posting about each other.  It was a fun way to get to know people and so here's Veronica!
Hi, everyone!  I'm Veronica from the blog sewVery.  I love to sew clothes for my daughter and test and review pdf pattern designs for my friends.  Last year, I attended the Sewing Summit, and when it was over, I knew I had to go back in 2013!

One of the best things about Sewing Summit was meeting so many sewing bloggers and other sewers in person.  In fact, because of the friendships and connections I made there last year, I have met dozens more who share not only my passion for sewing, but my love of family and all things creative as well.  The highlight of returning to Sewing Summit in 2013 was to meet in person several of the wonderful women that I call "friend" and "chat" with daily online.

As a twist to the typical Sewing Summit recap post that we would normally write, several of us decided to swap names and write about that person's Sewing Summit experience from our perspective.  I was lucky to be stalking following Jessica of Running With Scissors!

Here are 4 things that I observed about Jessica at Sewing Summit:

1.  Jessica is gorgeous and constantly shared her beautiful smile with everyone around her. Although one of the first things she said to me when we met was that she is shy, I never saw her standing alone or looking uncomfortable.  In fact, she was so personable and always seemed at ease!

Lindsay from Lindsay Sews, Jessica, Erin from Sewbon, and Janelle from Emmaline Bags
Photo by Lindsay of Lindsay Sews

2. She is much taller in person than I expected!  Even though I have seen tons of blog pictures of her, I was surprised just how much taller than me she is (I am only 5'4")!  This picture was taken after the delicious meal we enjoyed at The Garden Restaurant atop the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  The dinner was called Friends, Food, and Favorite Things and was hosted by the ladies of Simple Simon and Co. 

Me, Veronica, with Jessica
Photo by Lindsay of Lindsay Sews

3. Jessica has the most amazing jackets that she made herself, of course! Every chance we got, a group of us would congregate in the hall, the lobby, or the back of the classroom chatting!

Jessica with Marissa of RaeGunRamblings
Jessica with Jess of iCandyHandmade
Photo by Melissa of Melly Sews
Here are the links to Jessica's blog posts about these jackets:  Equestrian Ruffle Jacket and Larkrise Blazer .  The suede equestrian jacket was my favorite!  I need to learn to sew something like that for myself.

4. She taught a class at Sewing Summit:  Making a Blouse for Yourself.  Although I didn't take this class, I did sneak in for a picture or two.  Everyone was busy sewing and chatting with new friends, and Jessica was the devoted teacher helping her students make beautiful blouses!  I just love the blouse she is wearing, and although I didn't ask her, I'm sure she made it!

Jessica, it was great to finally meet you in person and get to know you a little better.  Wish I had had more opportunities to chat and take pictures, but I hope to see you again soon at another fun sewing event!

Want to read more blog posts about Sewing Summit 2013?  Then visit each of these blogs for a unique recap of the event!

Sew Country Chick

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  1. Loved meeting you - miss all of y'all already. And Veronica's right - you are gorgeous!

  2. That is so awesome Jess! I wish I could come down to that, it sounds like so much fun! You are an awesome teacher!

  3. You are amazing, Jess! I loved getting to talk to you a bit during the Summit. Your clothing is mind-blowingly beautiful. I want all of it. And seriously, you are so beautiful.

  4. yes yes yes I was drooling over your jackets and bag all weekend. And I've worn my blouse from your class twice already I seriously love it. I just need to whip up a few more


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