I have an exciting boxing update. I'm sparring 3 nights a week and I'm working toward my first fight! I'm very excited about it and some days I can hardly believe it. Since I've started sparring I have a lot more gear to carry around so I had to make myself a new bag. I had been using a bag that Jessica made...
Our house has been in the process of being reorganized and remodeled all year. My sewing area was originally in the basement but after all was said and done, it has ended up in my over sized closet. It's a lot less space that I've been accustomed to for the past five years, but I've actually enjoyed being forced to simplify. I downsized...
It's been so stressful these last months and I've cursed more in the that time than in the rest of my entire life put together....but our most recent inspection gauged the house is 50% done so we're getting there! The dream to move in by Christmas is dead, but we knew it wasn't likely in our rural area to have things move as...
A new book was released this month focused on sewing for women. Just For You It's a compilation of bloggers' patterns and projects. I have a women's top in the book, and.... we get to give away a copy of the book! GIVEAWAY CLOSED, WINNER CONTACTED. THANKS! GIVEAWAY ENTRY: just leave a comment on this post and include your email address. winners in...
This year the cool weather came in abruptly, which I couldn't be more pleased about. My boy needed some warmer clothes right away, so I made a bunch of long sleeve shirts and trousers. I did raglan sleeves on the shirts with ribbed collars and cuffs which makes the whole construction process take about 10 minutes per shirt. It's so quick because you...
I started this rug about six months ago. It turned out to be one of those projects that got me too angry and frustrated so I chucked it against the wall and it sat slumped in a pile all summer long. A few days ago I was about to make myself another pair of jeans, but then I decided I should finish ALL...
Just some fun posts from this summer, getting posted late. My two nephews got excited about my idea for a Harry Potter Birthday Potter. Apparently this summer Harry turned 33 on July 31st and we celebrated. So, these boys and I got really excited about throwing a back yard HP party. The afternoon was spend with them making Harry's birthday cake. We came...