
Man Hat

9:58 AM

 Drew used to have a beautiful vintage wool hat that somehow got washed and put into the dryer. It shrunk down by about half and was no longer wearable. Drew really loved the hat, so I wanted to make him a new one. I took apart the ruined hat, traced the pieces and enlarged them to the proper size. I used some vintage tweed scraps and stitched this up one afternoon. I was able to reuse the brim from the old hat which was very convenient, because when I began the project, I had no idea where I'd be able to find hat making supplies. I think it turned out alright, and Drew likes it.

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  1. Looks great! I think you nailed it.

  2. Looks like it fits perfectly. I should expect no less from you--right.

  3. It's fantastic! Would you be interested in sharing your pattern that you made from the shrunk hat? :)


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