
Play Clothes for Striker Boy

8:14 AM

My boy Striker has outgrown all of the button-down shirts that I made for him. The weather has warmed up and he loves to be outside. All the time. The back doors are left open most of the day and he plays on the porch for half and hour then comes in for a snack, then he's back outside to dig in the garden and chase the chickens around, then in the kitchen for a drink. At the end of the day when I tell him it's time to come inside, he cries, "No! Mama!" Then in the morning before he eats breakfast he finds his shoes and bangs on the back door until it's time to start playing again. 

With so much time spent in the dirt, I usually have to change his trousers a few times a day, so I've made loads of play trousers and a new shirt for him.

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