I started this rug about six months ago. It turned out to be one of those projects that got me too angry and frustrated so I chucked it against the wall and it sat slumped in a pile all summer long. A few days ago I was about to make myself another pair of jeans, but then I decided I should finish ALL...
Just some fun posts from this summer, getting posted late. My two nephews got excited about my idea for a Harry Potter Birthday Potter. Apparently this summer Harry turned 33 on July 31st and we celebrated. So, these boys and I got really excited about throwing a back yard HP party. The afternoon was spend with them making Harry's birthday cake. We came...
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I found some heavy black denim on my shelf that I had totally forgotten about so I made some jeans with it. They have a very high waist and slim legs and the denim is so stiff and heavy I think they will last for a long time. var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-36674691-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script');...
I'm learning how to fight. Until ten weeks ago, I had never set foot in any type of gym and the last time I tried any type of sport, I was in the tenth grade and it went horribly. So, it has been a very long journey for me to build up the courage to box with the men, and the decision has...