
Fall Clothes for Striker Boy

2:15 PM

This year the cool weather came in abruptly, which I couldn't be more pleased about. My boy needed some warmer clothes right away, so I made a bunch of long sleeve shirts and trousers.

I did raglan sleeves on the shirts with ribbed collars and cuffs which makes the whole construction process take about 10 minutes per shirt. It's so quick because you don't have to interface anything or even set in a sleeve. Every seam is pretty much a straight line so I don't even bother to pin anything either. The trousers have nothing special. No pockets. No faux fly. Just plain trousers with an elastic waist.

I used self-drafted patterns. I found the tiger fabric at a thrift store. And the grey thermal and dinosau camo in the clearance bin and our local fabric store for only $1 a yard. Sweet!

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