
Simple Satin Flower Headbands

12:41 AM

First off, I didn't ask my son to wear this flower so I could blog about it.  He saw it on the cutting table and put it on like a Rambo sweatband, then twisted it to the side.  So I took some photos because I thought it was funny, and decided to use them to blog the headband in the end, which is why the headband is all twisted on his head.  I did have to take it away when  he figured out it also worked as a sling shot.

This craft is really easy, and I liked the outcome.  I used this tutorial from Ashley at Make it and Love It.
You just cut circles of satin and melt the edges, then layer them for the flower.
I did a few things different:
-I used a candle flame rather than a cigarette lighter because I'm just not coordinated to maneuver fire and fabric at the same time.
-Rather than hot glue, I hand sewed through the layers to connect them all and sewed the button on top.
-For the headband, I had this tangerine elastic that I sewed the flower to.

My husband is from a really small town--only one stoplight.  They have a craft/ fabric store with a surprising large inventory for such a tiny town, and a lot of cool things I've never seen anywhere else, like all this colored elastic by the yard.  The last few times we've visited the in-laws, I have stopped to get a few more colors.  You could always dye elastic, but how fun to just grab cool colors for $.50/ yard? 
This headband is actually the accessory for the baby girl's easter dress...more on that to come.
And another highlight of my day:
digging out all the play dough he managed to jam into his shoe.
It's actually a homemade recipe from Vanessa here, and the best play dough (lasts for a long time without drying out)...just better on the counter and not in our shoes.
The weird thing is I was 10 feet away reading while he was quietly playing at the counter, I just didn't notice him take off a shoe and stuff it full.
I guess cookie cutters were too boring and two dimensional.  A+ for creativity, but big fat F- for good ideas, and I'm glad we only had enough to fill one shoe, rather than both.

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  1. I love the baby headband! I am now inspired to create some of the flowers for pillows, etc. And I loved the picture of the shoe! Too funny! I once sat talking on the phone while mine got into Soft Scrub just a few feet away. Had to call Poison Control. Horribly embarrassing. She was fine. I was not. So, you're doing fine, momma! Btw, I love your blog!!

  2. Thank you for the giggle, and the cute headband idea. I knew my toddler was playing with his baby sister's nappies while I was nursing this week. I didn't realise there was a tub of nappy rash cream with them, until I found him covered in cream and panting the floor. Ooops!

  3. What a hoot. I'm sorry, but that is really funny. It's amazing what trouble they find when we are right there! To lessen your mommy guilt, I once gave my new baby a toddler amount of medicine, had to call poison control and take her to the ER. She was fine, I was a wreck, and it all worked out in the end. Hang in there!

  4. Love the headbands and the great idea to melt the satin edges. That idea is going to go right in the main file.
    Love that the "slingshot" had to be taken away. You did say "Rambo" right?
    Love the shoe. Brings back lots of fond memories.
    Just a note on the dandelion. I looked at the pics first and thought "How cute that the center puffs a little, how did she do that?"

  5. My oldest was sitting right next to me while I was cutting out circles for her 3rd birthday party. You think I would have noticed her cutting her bangs off instead of cutting the construction paper. . . but I didn't until it was too late.

  6. The headband is darling and the play dough in the shoe is priceless. Scrap that!

  7. Giggle!! Cute headband (and boy) though!

  8. Adorable...but that's no surprise with you, Jess.

    And that Play-doh. too funny!

    I've been loving all your posts lately! Your carseat cover was adorable, and that Damask stool makeoever was beautiful, and Ellaria's blessing dress and shoes are PERFECT. love it all!

    Good luck with the next couple of weeks...I can't wait to see little Ellaria. Oh, and post a picture of your belly soon, ok! :)

  9. LOL! What a helpful Harry he is, and looking rather dashing in that headband to boot ;) hehehe. Seriously though, I love the headband - the colour is beautiful! I'll have to give it a bash. I use a candle too :)


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