
Tea Cup Planter Makeover

5:00 AM

Blogger was being weird, so sorry if you saw this post earlier and the photos weren't there, for some reason just the text posted the first time.
Also, remember to vote for the final 3 projects at One Month To Win It!  Season 1 is wrapping up!

When my first baby was born, my mom got this huge tea cup planter.  We took some photos of him squished in it.  Here's my boy in the cup when he was one week old.

It has kind of become a little tradition I guess, and I had kept the huge teacup planter.  But for a girl, I thought I'd paint it to look more feminine rather than the bold stripes.
So here's the whole basic painting process.
The colorful before shot, then rather than having to paint the inside, I filled the cup with plastic sacks, then taped the edge.
Next I used gray spray paint primer to cover all the stripes.
Next, I used white glossy spray paint to get the teacup white.  It took 4 coats I think.
Once, white, I thought it would look better if I added the metal ring around the cup, saucer, and sides of the handles to try to make it look more like real china. 
I was able to tape the top rim of the cup to get a nice sharp line, but for the handle and saucer, I just free handed the edge the best I could.
I used metallic silver craft paint.
Then it was done and ready for a few shots of Ellaria.

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  1. I think you forgot the pictures. ;) Just thought I'd let you know.
    -Oh, and congratulations on the birth of your daughter!!! She is adorable. :)

  2. That is so cute! Both your kids are so adorable! Wish we had a giant teacup when little caterpillar was little! Too late now!
    Congrats again!

  3. Ellaria looks adorable all snugged into her china cup.

  4. I had the same planter that I photographed my son in! Unfortunately it got broken and I plan to mosaic a frame with it's pieces and put the photograph in it!
    The photo can be viewed here:

    Have a great week!
    -Ruth Ann

  5. She is adorable! I remember seeing those same planters in the store and thinking they'd make the perfect photo prop.

  6. this is great! simply adorable!

  7. Cute idea!! I love those huge cups - never thought of putting a baby in them!! : )

  8. The photos of your children are just precious. How sweet that your mother purchased the tea cup planter for this reason.

  9. The revamped version is so classy. And the baby photos are adorable!

  10. That is such a cute idea. I love the paint job on the planter, perfect for your beautiful little girl.

  11. That is the cutest idea! And the baby is beautiful!!!

  12. Precious photos. (And yes, blogger has been so obnoxious lately!)

  13. I wondered if that was the same cup--- love it!


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