
Homemade Gift-O-Rama

7:41 PM
For my mom. My mom has made many wedding dresses over the years and never documented them. So I had the idea to scrounge up as many as I could so she could have a collection of all her work. It took a couple months to locate the brides and get the photos from them, but I'm glad she'll have all but one...


More Gifts

7:35 PM
for my in-lawsI scrounged for family wedding photos. The center photo is my in-laws wedding photo. The bride's parents are on the right from 1928 and the left photo is the groom's (my father-in-law) parent's wedding picture from I think the early 1930s.So Rhett's parents and both grandparents wedding photos all in one frame I found at a great deal from Smiths Marketplace.The...


art & craft

The Beginning of Homemade Christmas Gifts

5:24 PM
for my sister. text painted in white, then with diluted elmer's glue the glitter is attached, then sealed to stay on. ...


art & craft

Baby Gift

5:29 PM
My friend had a new baby and I made this for her girl's room. ...


art & craft

baby sign

4:52 PM

Fat Feet

4:20 PM
When your baby has feet that are so fat he can't wear shoes..... Baby Moccasins/ Slippers! Our little guy's feet are so fat, no shoes are tall enough to accommodate his rolls and he's been wearing out socks running around the house in his walker. My mom had a sack of small leather scraps she let me use to make some moccasin slippers....



NURSERY...done as far as I'm going

12:28 PM
RJ's Room Most of the projects are all here in separate posts, so I don't have much to say. But thanks to Grammy K for the crib and Grandma C for the changing table! We really appreciate it. Rhett gave me the glider for my birthday last year. The rest of the furniture was hand-me-downs. We painted the room for bright coral pink...


home decor


12:14 PM
Decorating on a budget brings interesting ideas. The window in RJ's room doesn't have blinds, so I thought I'd make some curtains. I found at Target cheap hardware for a double rod for $7. The actual curtain rods were expensive! So I had a great idea, at Home Depot I bought one 10 foot 1/2 inch piece diameter rod of rigid PVC pipe...




10:19 PM
I made these signs for Halloween. I came up with the saying a couple years ago and made blocks and an upright little plaque thing. I thought the upright would be cute hanging on a wall by an orange ribbon or something. I painted the wood orange, then put on a weathering/ crackle layer, you can buy cheap crackle medium at craft stores...



Halloween Costume

10:43 AM
For Halloween for Rhett, I didn't want to spend any money, so I thought I'd make him a Gus Gus costume out of scraps I had. Here is a picture of Gus Gus from Cinderella: I couldn't find any two-way stretch fabric for a little yellow crop top so I had a yellow polo that I never wear so I decided to chop...


make overs

Rocking Chair

2:30 PM
When we were in Delta for a month, our nephew had his 16th birthday party, and I don't know why but I was in my sister-in-law's basement rummaging through their stuff and saw this kids' rocking chair. I picked it up and said: "this is awesome". My niece told me, "go ahead and take that piece of junk." My sister-in-law said to take...


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