
10:19 PM

I made these signs for Halloween. I came up with the saying a couple years ago and made blocks and an upright little plaque thing. I thought the upright would be cute hanging on a wall by an orange ribbon or something.
I painted the wood orange, then put on a weathering/ crackle layer, you can buy cheap crackle medium at craft stores by the acrylic craft paint for $2-$4. Then when you apply the top coat, in this case, black it shrinks and cracks. It is water activated so I think next time I will water the paint down to hopefully produce larger cracks.

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  1. Jess you are so crafty! After I saw the work you did on baby rhetts bedroom I was so motivated to make masons room cute too! I am so impressed with you! Great work! And yes those sexy leg warmers gotta love those debbis brothers :)
    miss you and hope you are doing well!


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