I’m excited to be here participating in Vintage May! I love looking to vintage or even historical clothing for inspiration, and trying to take the old fashioned styles and make them modern. It’s a challenge for me to design clothing with the influence of the vintage piece, but make something that doesn’t look like a historical costume. I also love to sew for...
I’ve had a scrap of flannel backed satin for almost two years. There was about 1/2 yard left over from Ellie’s baby blanket, and I’d planned to make her a silky nightgown. But I found this vintage romper pattern and decided that would be easier for her to walk in than a longer nightgown. The pattern was printed in 1980 and is made...
Go check out my tutorial for making your own DIY Vinyl Belt. I made an orange belt using a thrifted belt and orange vinyl for RJ to go with his modern lederhosen. Check the belt tutorial out as part of Just Sew Week at Mama Says Sew var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-17358383-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript';...
I’m not that good at accessorizing, but I found this tutorial to make your own filigree earrings on pinterest and made a few sets. I couldn’t find the charms any where locally, and finally got them at Hobby Lobby. I glazed the green, but left the rest solid. The orange are a splatter of yellow and orange. I just used the standard earring...
I was excited to be part of the Vintage May series going on between Kristin at SKirt As Top and Jess at Craftiness Is Not Optional. I love to design kids clothes inspired from vintage styles, so for this guest post I attempted to make traditional Bavarian shorts or lederhosen modern and easy to wear. Sewing for boys can be a challenge as...
Well our little community class was Tuesday and I think it went OK other than my slip was hanging out the whole time and I talked too much and interrupted Lynette all over the place. We ended up not recording the presentation, but we've split our parts up on our blogs. So you can read about what we taught at the class, then...