
when your kid finds a sharpie....

9:44 AM

...and a plain white t-shirt in his drawer.
This is what happens.

 My husband got home from work and came up where I was changing the baby's diaper and asked if I thought it was OK RJ was in the basement drawing on a shirt with a permanent marker.
I ran down there to see him holding up this shirt smiling.
Initially I was really mad.
I asked him what he was doing and he told me all about his picture he drew on his shirt.
"It's those fish that can crawl on sand, then they get back in the water, just follow the arrows".

Then I decided I couldn't really get mad at him for making the shirt as he sees me make crap all the time.
But we had a new rule about permanent markers and asking before you make your own clothes.
I don't want creativity to be against the rules, I'd just like some control over where he lands his next big idea.

He was pretty proud of his shirt.
I was pretty impressed myself.
My favorite part is his own head on the top with a cartoon bubble holding his name "RJ" and the fact his head looks like a troll doll.

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  1. LOL! Not a bad idea, in a controlled environment :) Very creative kid you have there!

  2. Hehe! I LOVE it! Have to say that is so cute! Yes, we have rules for markers too, well every parent does. But what a great picture!

    1. I was surprised he found the sharpies! Better him than the two-year old I guess!

  3. I said it before and I'll say it again. RJ is the greatest kid in the world.

  4. I'm really impressed with his drawing skills. I love those moments when they're so cute that it's hard to stay mad. Sharpies and rules are good though.

  5. I love that he even put "matching" stripes on the sleeves. You know he got that from you! :)

    1. Those were cracking me up, but I guess he drew it with the shirt flat and when he wears it he looks down and can't see the back, it works that they don't go all the way around!

  6. That shirt is awesome! How clever of him!

  7. Wow that is impressive! He did a great job! Sharpies are one of those touchy subjects around this house. We all love them, but at times, we don't :)

  8. This made me giggle. What a wee sweetie :) It could have been much much much worse! My kids have a magnetic attraction to sharpies...

    1. That's what I worry about...the couch needing some sand fish too or something!

  9. Great Job! Love it! My girls drew on their well worn/old jeans one time with Sharpies to give them new life. Also sneakers. Sharpies are great! Seriously, your son did a great job drawing. Perhaps a new trend has started.

  10. Very creative! It would have been better if he had asked first, but you can't win 'em all.
    Would ironing the shirt prior to washing it set the marker so it won't fade away as fast? I know it is a Sharpie, but it will still fade. If you are going to let him keep it, might as well preserve it, I'm just not sure how though.

    1. Something to look into to preserve his drawing!

  11. Very nice! My kids have gotten markers and it never looks that good!

  12. hahaha - I just love this!!! A loves to color and I think soon we will be trying a 'supervised' t-shirt coloring project. I'm impressed by your little guy's creativity!!!

  13. Skill!! He did an amazing job! And I love how in the first photo he looks a little bit affronted that he's in trouble. Lovely boy.

    1. I think it was bittersweet for both of us. He still got a lecture on asking before we make clothes and sharpies, then I did try to tell him I liked the picture, so maybe my discipline was really confusing to him!

  14. He did a very creative job there. Give him more shirts! Very cute. How could you be mad ;-)

  15. I would have been mad if my daughters did that too... but RJ did a great job adding interest to his shirt! =)

  16. This is awesome! I hope you are reading all our comments to him so he knows we think he is amazing. The fact that he chose a plain shirt is pretty cool in my books. Glad it ended well, I think we have all had sharpe incidents. Sometimes I want to lock mine up in the medicine cabinet!

  17. UMMMM I love that shirt! Very good drawing, RJ!! Know what you mean about sharpie control, but he really did a fantastic job. :)

  18. The creative gene must have been activated. Before you go all crazy about the marker laws, I notice he didn't seem to get any on his hands or face. RJ - Artiste magnifique!!!

  19. This kid has talent! Sign him up for an art class--and his own his blog.

    1. thanks! His blog would probably be more successful anyway! :)

  20. No way, that is some serious awesome! (And I'm sorry if I've never commented before, I do enjoy your own creativity too....)

  21. oh my goodness, that is fantastic!I love it! I am fully expecting (hoping)to see one of my grand kids do this one day.....

  22. That is one cool shirt!
    Your boy takes after you:)

  23. I think that shirt is super awesome! He did a fantastic job, and I love the story about your mom painting a sweatshirt like one of your drawings.

  24. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

  25. Love the shirt! You have a little artist on your hands! :)


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