
Simple Blouse Giveaway! CLOSED

4:00 AM

The Simple Blouse pattern will be available tomorrow!
So we're having a giveaway today.

Five winners will win a free Simple Blouse pattern!
(only one per person please)
Just leave a comment and tell us what you got for Christmas, a new year's resolution, or your favorite food, or nothing.
Leave your email too if it's not connected with your comment account.
Winners will selected tonight after I put my kids to bed by random.org.

So my exciting preview is a hand full of the variations I'm offering with the pattern!
With such a basic top, I wanted to provide a range of options to challenge the beginner up to advanced sewists, these will be the first batch.

Can't wait for tomorrow!

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  1. Parece un patron muy versatil admitiendo tantas variantes y opciones...me parece genial !! me encantaria poder contar con él. lidaiporret@gmail.com

  2. Your pattern look super versatile, congratulations. New Years resolution is to not be so hard on myself, will be a challenge to change my mindset as I near 40. New long bladed pinking shears was my best sewing related Christmas gift.

  3. I am soo excited for this!!! And having your sister aboard is fantastic! And for being broken so many times, Herschel's nose doesn't look half bad!!! Thanks
    Rubberduckywon(at)gmail bebe!!!

  4. I've neglected my sewing for far too long. This pattern (with it's variants) might give me the push I needed to get going again. I need something to make a dent in that stash that keeps building!

  5. This looks like an awesomely versatile pattern! And I love all of the digital improvements you detailed yesterday!

  6. Thank you so much for the chance, this Christmas I received a Tilda book and a decoupaged sewing box that was such a lovely gift from my sister in law

  7. I'm excited to sew some more clothes for ME after I have my (3rd) baby next month.

  8. Oh man. I think I could learn a lot from this pattern--so much coming from one block! Congrats on a great result from such hard work.

  9. Wow, I love these variations! Looks like a great new pattern. I can't wait!

  10. Oh gracious. Love! You are really an amazing seamstress. I'm in awe of how much you can get done with little ones running around.
    Anyhoo, part of my New Year "resolution" is to sew more. Specifically, tops to wear with suits. Your pattern would be perfect.

  11. I love this pattern. My husband gave me a rotary cutter and mat this Christmas, so I am looking forward to more sewing in the new year.

  12. What a great looking pattern! I got a cook book I have been eying for a while :)

  13. This is just what I need to do more "me" sewing this year!

  14. Oh, I'm already picking fabrics for all of these variations! We don't do Christmas presents because we think we have everything we need. But I do need a simple blouse though :-)

  15. I got a brand new Bernina for Christmas!

  16. For Christmas I got a house! (We moved in November, so who needs more?) I want every one of those variations... can't pick a favorite!

  17. This Christmas was special since it was my daughter's first. We got to spend it with my mum which made it even more special. The gifts under the tree also helped :)

  18. OH the variations are so lovely!!!!

  19. I love your pattern--so many variations! I got my first serger for Christmas

  20. I've been looking forward to this pattern ever since you posted your first blouse. I agree that knits aren't the most figure flattering post baby, but are oh so comfortable. Looking forward to sewing this one up!

  21. I got a pasta maker for Christmas . . . and a sewing pattern I've been eyeing. I'd love to add your lovely pattern to my "to-sew" list!

  22. I can't believe those are all the same basic pattern! So creative.

  23. Now I'm excited, too. My new year's resolution is to stop sewing bags for other people and start sewing clothes for me. I would really, really like to start with the simple blouse. May I? Please? :)


  24. Super excited about this giveaway. I have been sewing more for myself in past month or so. one of my goals for 2014 is more garments for me.

  25. I think this blouse is awesome! I hope I get picked!

  26. Love the giveaway -- my 9-year old granddaughter bought me a Midge doll (she's much prettier than the 1960's Midge doll I had as a girl) for Christmas -- I thought this was so thoughtful. When we talked about what I used to play with, she remembered and when she spotted the "new and improved" Midge, she bought her for me!

  27. One of my favorite Christmas gifts was an essential oil set from Mountain Rose Herbs. Such a treat!

  28. My hubby got me a new kindle, and my bestie got me a new purse. Best Christmas ever!
    As for new years resolutions, still trying to decide mine. Do you guys do words, or do you write out resolutions?

  29. My favorite Christmas gift was spending the morning with my two year old granddaughter! This is such a fun, versatile pattern. I'm looking forward to it's release!

  30. Your pattern looks very nice & so comprehensive! I don't usually comment, but the giveaway got me! Best wishes for a great 2014. cara.grilledcheese@gmail.com

  31. So excited for you to release this pattern! Congrats!!!!!!

  32. Super excited for your new pattern! Let's see - my favorite gifts were a couple of cardigans from my mother in law so i actually feel like i have some nice/new clothes to wear during these last weeks of pregnancy. That and my new Rifle Co. iPhone case. Little things that make a big difference. ;)

  33. I can't wait! For Christms, I got a stack of penguins children's classics clothbound books! Love!

  34. Hello super versatile pattern! looks great! Excited for tomorrow! Congrats on the pattern release :)

  35. I would love to have this pattern! Hope I win: )

    1. My email is sarajspeight(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)nz

  36. I can't believe you got that many variations from one simple blouse pattern! You are so talented Jess! I have many resolutions but one of them is to be a better housekeeper.

    1. Forgot the email. hyattwhit@hotmail.com

  37. Great pattern!
    I got a new laptop for Christmas!!

  38. I need to get familiar with my sewing machine this year!

  39. Ready to try my hand at that pattern!

  40. I painted myself a new sewing area this Christmas and am anxiously awaiting a sewing table! This would be a perfect project to break it in.

  41. I love this pattern! My new years resolution is to venture further into sewing clothes for myself!

  42. Our new years resolutions were to A: Take the Christmas lights down before March. B: Take down the Christmas tree and decorations before February. We completed both resolutions on the 2nd and 3rd of Jan! Woo hoo! All done. :) (Backstory: Last year, the beginning few months were AWFUL for us...and the lights and tree didn't come down til sometime in March. crazy, yes!) Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. This is so fun! I received goodies to go with my Sony DSLR this year from my husband. He knows just what I love, apart from sewing!!


  44. For me it's the year of the UFO...I have resolved to finish ALL of my WIPs. if it is cut out, it will sewn together. if it is in my embroidery hoop, it will get stitched and completed (including frames). So far, so good. i've worked on a WIP every day this year already!

  45. I love the variety of patterns you get from one! this was the first Christmas we were Kidless after 35 years! We did have our family on Boxing Day so that made up for it! My most fav gift is the tigereye bracelet and earring set I got from my husband (he remembered that i love that rock). I don't make resolutions but I do try to better myself. I plan on sewing more for charity this year. I don't have any grandchildren and I love sewing for children so I plan on combining those 2 and sew for the needs of children in our community. The needs are getting greater and so I need to sew more. Every child should have that feeling of being special, looking special. if I can do that for one child I would be thrilled! Of course I won't know but that doesn't matter. I have fun in the process! Oh and I also promised myself to sew more and step up on my work wardrobe. How long can I get away with wearing dress jeans(they have actually become my everyday jeans) and t's in a school office setting? LOL
    jd dot eyesofyelllow at gmail dot com

  46. For Christmas I got about 4# of chocolate, not so great for helping me with my New Year's resolution of getting healthy. I love the pattern!

  47. I've been looking forward to your pattern! My New Year's resolution is to be kind to myself, to embrace my new "normal" and quit beating myself up because I'm not able to do the things I used to.

  48. Your patterns is awesome... I would love it :)

  49. Well this is perfect!! My resolution is to sew more for myself, since my children are getting older and refuse to wear the stuff I make them... Just in case caraleesearl at yahoo dot com

  50. Congratulations on your new pattern released tomorrow I can't wait. I got a beautiful black and white fat quarter bundle for Christmas I was a good girl.
    Linynp2 at yahoo (dot) com

  51. I'd love to try this pattern out! I got some pinking shears for christmas, and I'm excited to use them :)
    emilyjodi at gmail dot com

  52. Sewing gift was a new Janome sewing machine & resolution is to stop spending so much time on my computer & start spending more time sewing!!! What an exciting time for you right now & THANK you SEW much for this pattern opportunity!!! God Bless!

  53. I can´t wait to try this pattern!!!!

  54. Yes please! Thank you for the opportunity. A new year's resolution I have is sewing more clothing for myself, so this blouse pattern would be perfect, I'm already impressed by the versatility! saganaga at softhome dot net

  55. One of my resolutions is to sew for myself more. This looks like an awesome pattern.

  56. I got an iPad Mini for Christmas, which I absolutely love. Now I can keep up to date with all my blogs anywhere. Thank for the chance to win.

  57. I have not sewn clothing for myself since my last pregnancy - 40 years ago! Would love to win this pattern and try my hand at creating again -

  58. I really need this pattern! My Christmas was an allowance in the budget for 1 pattern and fabric to sew it!! This is definitely my pattern!!

  59. I really need this pattern! My Christmas was an allowance in the budget for 1 pattern and fabric to sew it!! This is definitely my pattern!!

  60. So many wonderful variations! One of my resolutions is start doing yoga again.

  61. What wonderful options and variations! Lovely! My favorite fabric type gift is an embroidery kit (hand embroidery) with one of my favorite verse -- From Clementine patterns.

  62. Absolutely love this blouse and the options. Liz ces2147@verizon.net

  63. Love the fact that it has so many variations! Would love to win!

  64. Love your blog! My resolution for 2014 is to find (make!) some time for sewing each day. I've let my wardrobe run down and studiously avoided any fashion purchases this season as further incentive... Separates are my first project, so your new pattern is perfect! Thank you for the opportunity to win it.

  65. For Christmas I got a new sewing machine.

  66. Independent pattern designers, like you, are what has made sewing exciting again. You make me want to sew.

  67. For Christmas I made a Fair Isle Sweater Shirt almost exactly like yours! I Love how this pattern is so versatile!


    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  68. I would LOVE to win! My favorite foods are ice cream and chocolate, and one of my resolutions is to sew some clothes that fit for myself.

  69. Love the options especially the half sleeve, my new years resolution is to get out of my comfort zone and sew more for me! tdherriot at gmail dot com

  70. Congratulations. I am so happy for your successful pattern launch. I believe this has to be the most versatile pattern yet. Probably even make a maxi with it.??

  71. ooh, i'd love to win! i'm gonna tackle the buttonhole this year!

  72. My wonderful husband paid really close attention and without me asking or even hinting got me some new heavy duty fabric scissors and a ruffle foot for my sewing machine. He even got me a zippo lighter to melt my fabric flowers =). He also got me some new jewelry pliers. He's amazing!!!!


  73. I love the options! I am not good at drafting my own patterns from using old T-shirts, etc. so I love a good basic pattern that's easy to follow. First up would be the cute red shirt you made with the buttons on the neck and the kangaroo pocket. I would love to win this!!

    1. Oh! marymakercompany(at)gmail(dot)com

  74. Fantastic! I bought myself a new sewing foot for Christmas. As well as a panini maker. Love them both. :-)

  75. Well one thing I know I didn't get for Christmas is the Simple blouse.pattern, but all 4 of my kids did get the flu bug for Christmas.Does this pattern come in plus sizes?

  76. Well one thing I know I didn't get for Christmas is the Simple blouse.pattern, but all 4 of my kids did get the flu bug for Christmas.Does this pattern come in plus sizes?

  77. My daughter bought me a lovely pair of earrings.

  78. So excited about this pattern!
    deannenorton at gmail dot com

  79. Awesome! So excited for this pattern release. One of my resolutions is to focus more on personal sewing. I am always sewing for everyone else!

  80. My husband got me a beautiful necklace! Talk about awesome surprise.

  81. My family scored some awesome deals on movies for gifts this year.

  82. For Christmas I got some new Star Glasses for our kitchen! I also got an electric knife which has already proven to be a life saver cutting bread (and angel food cake). I feel like I'm so old loving kitchen stuff for Christmas. A new years resolution I have is to do a Triathlon in the spring! And my favorite food... as you know... is potatoes... yummy! I want some right now. I would love to win this blouse pattern, but I'm excited for it either way cause I'll have to buy it and start sewing myself some great new 'grown up' shirts. Love you!

  83. For Christmas I got some new Star Glasses for our kitchen! I also got an electric knife which has already proven to be a life saver cutting bread (and angel food cake). I feel like I'm so old loving kitchen stuff for Christmas. A new years resolution I have is to do a Triathlon in the spring! And my favorite food... as you know... is potatoes... yummy! I want some right now. I would love to win this blouse pattern, but I'm excited for it either way cause I'll have to buy it and start sewing myself some great new 'grown up' shirts. Love you!

  84. My resolution is to make more clothes for me, would love to try this pattern. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  85. The pattern looks lovely! For Christmas, we got an icestorm which meant we huddled together as a family closer than ever! My kids got me slippers because my feet are always cold. My resolution this year was to not have any resolutions. Less stress, more fun!

  86. Love this blouse! My resolution is to sew more. :)

  87. How awesome that you're releasing a pattern!

  88. Woohoo you are awesome!
    I got a lighting set up for Christmas. I am super excited to be able to take photos at night (and in the Pacific Northwest, that is a huge deal)!

  89. Oh this pattern is lovely! Hmmm...I didn't get much worth talking about for Christmas. My favorite is food is potatoes. I know, kinda strange, but that's me! :)
    Rlynneholmes @aol.com

  90. I got violin exam music for my ABRSM grade 3 violin exam. My goal for the year is to complete the chapter on physio in a book about burns that our hospital is writing and to do outreach and awareness on how to prevent accidental burns.

  91. Great pattern!
    My favorite food is garlic bread!

  92. Favorite food is tacos the home made kind not the fast food kind. Didn't really get anything exciting for Christmas just some chocolate, but I do love chocolate so its all good. When I was in elementary school my favorite thing the eat for lunch was yogurt sandwiches. I also went through this phase of making myself peanut butter, jelly, dry oatmeal and patato chip sandwiches. Yea I was sort of special lol. iluvyulots@yahoo.com

  93. I got to visit my parents for Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway!

  94. I love popcorn! I eat it for meals sometimes. Can't wait to check out your new pattern!


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