girls clothing

I.Q. Dress

11:13 PM
This dress was also for Ellie's birthday and is also her Easter dress for this year. It is inspired by a dress Meg Ryan's character wears in I.Q., a romantic comedy made almost 20 years ago. The movie is set in the 1950s and Meg Ryan's character wears lots of cute dresses. I really liked this one, with the white contrasting details and...


girls clothing

Silky Giraffe Jammies

9:19 AM
Ellaria loves silky things. Like my underwear she'll steal and stretch out. So I thought she might like some silky pajamas of her own made from this giraffe printed charmeuse satin. I didn't use a pattern and just hacked it out, thus the sleeves were weird flutter-ish cap sleeves. I had to sew darts in them to help them curve down a little...



Yellow Owl on Pink Backpack

11:10 PM
A few years ago I made animal backpacks to sell on etsy. I recently packed up about half my fabric and found a half completed owl backpack. Ellie has been borrowing RJ's boy backpacks in an attempt to pretend to be Dora, singing the backpack song, so I thought I'd finish the old etsy one up as a gift for her 2nd birthday....


girls clothing

Metamorphosis Butterfly Frock

11:20 PM
This is a project I think you'll love or hate. There's no in between because it's weird, nerdy, and a titch creepy. Kind of my nerdy spin on all the girly butterfly stuff everywhere. I took the life cycle of monarch butterflies and appliqued the process on a little dress for Ellaria. And I love this thing. My husband had a Saturday off...


girls clothing

Neon Necklace Dress

3:00 AM
Ellie has a long torso. So most of her shirts are too short and her belly hangs out. Lately I've been trying to whip her up some tunics and casual dresses to wear with leggings so she'll have some options other than all her belly tops. This little knit dress was inspired by a boden necklace dress and a charcoal backpack with neon...


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