
My Personal Style

2:45 PM

I'm guest posting today over at Seamstress Erin.
I met Erin last month at Sewing Summit!

She runs a series having guests evaluate their personal style.
At first when she asked me to contribute I thought: "Do I even have style?  Most of what I wear is covered in goo and snot by lunch."
But it was fun and revealing for myself to have to sit, analyze, and type my relationship with what I wear, what I sew, and how it all makes me feel.

check it out if you care:

Just as another motivation to go read, I included an embarrassing photo of my awkward stage that I think is really funny.  
One glance at the photo and you'll understand how hard it was to find jeans as a kid before they had the inner button-elastic waistbands!

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  1. Loved reading your post. Hoping things aren't too crazy for you. I know how hard going back to school with kids is. You are awesome.

  2. I enjoyed your interview with Erin! I admire all your creative talent, and you are inspiring me to get back to sewing for myself!

  3. What a great interview! Your descriptions of your own body cracked me up, but I see you as a ballerina. That's what you look like in photos, even when you're Frankensteining around. :)

  4. Going there now to read it! I also find it so difficult to define my personal style.


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