
Tutorial: Vest Construction

8:48 AM

Today I'll be sharing the tailor's method for constructing a vest. It's incredibly fast, it doesn't require any hand sewing (unless you count buttons), and the best part of all is that it can be altered in about 35 seconds if needed. (For this tutorial I used a self-drafted pattern).
1. Cut out the pieces: 2 front pieces, 2 back pieces of both outer fabric and lining.
2. Press on fusible interfacing along the front outer edge of both front pieces.
3. Stitch the center seam of the back pieces. Leave a 4" opening in the middle of the lining.

4. Lay the front and back pieces face to face. Stitch around all edges except the side seams and shoulder seams. Clip the curves and corners.
5. Turn the front pieces right-side out and press.
6. Slip the front pieces inside the back section through the side seams.
(The outer fabrics should face each other and the linings should face each other.)

7. Pin the side seams and shoulder seams into place.
8. Stitch the shoulder seams and side seams. Clip the corners.

9. Now for the magic. Pull the entire vest right-side out through the hole you left open in the lining.
10. Top stitch or whip stitch the hole in the lining closed.
11. Stitch buttonholes and attach buttons.

12. All finished!
If the vest requires alteration in the future, all you need to do is open the back seam of the lining and pull the side seam straight out. Since everything is attached, you just stitch down each side seam once instead of having to adjust the lining and outer separately.

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  1. So love the information! These tricks make sewing easy. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more.

  2. whoah! might have to make my little guy a vest just so i can try this out. too cool! thanks for sharing!

  3. Great tutorial! I always knew there had to be an easier way!! I just didn't know what it was, lol...

    I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for tomorrow evening that links to your tutorial:


  4. Amazing ! I have struggled for years to hide my seams . Even tried whip-stitching the shoulders for a vest ! Must try this soon.

  5. I'm so glad you posted this one. I am now looking for a tutorial on how to make vest. I'm so happy I found this.

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  6. Hey just wanted to say that this method made absolutly no sense to me as to why it would work, but I did it anyway and it worked and my mind is blown. Thank you for this tutorial, it made my life a lot easier.


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