
Artichoke Dress for Graduation

12:09 PM

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My husband graduated last week, and it was a big deal for our little family.   

I wanted a new dress for the occasion, and indulged myself. 
The pinstripe skirt was only $2.00/yard, and it only took 1 yard.  The zipper was $1.25, and the satin bodice is actually up-cycled drapes from my aunt and was free.

I used Lynette's Mrs. Smith pattern. This dress looks vintage to me, and I thought the high waisted skirt was flattering on Lynette's people, and so I thought it might help give an illusion of a waist for my ruler figure. 
 I did want to change the neckline so it wasn't a direct copy of Lynette.  I thought of a scalloped neckline, inspired by this version here on this frock from Grosgrain, but I wanted them to gradually get smaller, and stand up on the back of my neck if possible.
I described it to Lynette, and when she saw it finished, she said it wasn't what she expected, and to be honest, the finished product wasn't exactly how I envisioned it either.
I measured each scallop the width equal to the height, which made them taller and thinner than what I originally sketched.  The way the 2 rows layer on top of one another, standing up slightly reminds me of an artichoke, so I named this the "artichoke dress".  If I had some great photography skills, maybe I should have photographed it holding an actual artichoke.
I ended up liking the unique neckline, despite it not being what I had envisioned.  I finished the dress the morning of and had my iron turned up too high and scorched the top.  I always make stupid mistakes when I'm in a hurry.  I wore it anyway, and hopefully no one noticed.

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  1. Wow! So cute. You look so timeless!

  2. Hi Jessica, I love this dress, I especially like the neck in an "artichoke" I think it's very original. Greetings. Roser - Catalonia - Spain

  3. That is a beautiful dress! I couldn't imagine finding a more perfect dress in a store. LOVE the neckline!

  4. So sharp! Great fit, lovely fabric choice-a real winner!

  5. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering where that little number came from! I love it!

  6. All I can say is WOW. You and the dress look stunning.

  7. Wow. Absolutely gorgeous. Congrats on the graduation!

  8. YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL....I think I tell you that every time I comment to you. And you are even prettier in person...every time I see you I am mesmerized by your beauty...I totally sound like a lezbo cousin. I THINK...no I DO....need that top!!!!!!!!

  9. So stinking gorgeous. If I looked like you, I would be sporting that short hair and that fabulous dress.
    Great project.

  10. That is exquisite. I love it!

  11. Oh Jess, you look amazing!! That neckline is absolutely stunning!

    And I live the red accents, I don't know many people that can pull off bright red lipstick, but you are definitely one of them!

  12. Wow. That is amazing, I love it. I scorched a dress once the night before my little sis' wedding. I soaked a white cloth in white vinegar and put it over the scorch and then ironed it again. The scorch marks came right out.

    I love the red earrings + red lipstick. Now if you had a wide red belt to go with I think you could walk down Rodeo Drive and no one would be the wiser. You look amazing, and congrats on the degree!

  13. Neckline is unusual and beautiful! I bet you would get compliments everytime you wear it. Nice outfit and what an adorable family picture

  14. just stopped in via grosgrain... what a beautiful dress! the neckline is so lovely!

  15. I saw your gorgeous neckline Grosgrain and had to come compliment you on it! It bears more than a passing resemblance to the beautiful collar sewed by John Keats' beloved Fanny Brawne in the movie Bright Star. . . just lovely!

  16. That neckline is awesome. Seriously cool. Love it!

  17. The dress is beautiful. You did a great job. Timeless. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Beautiful! And, I think I have those shoes they're so comfy.


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