
Gentlemen Broncos t-shirt {part 2}

10:16 AM

We have a tradition to have our two thirteen year old nieces stay with us a few weeks each summer.  It seems each summer our visits have a movie theme.  Last year it was Hot Rod and we made Hulkamania t-shirts and this Hot Rod halloween costume.
This summer the movie is Gentlemen Broncos.

Each niece designed their t-shirt with an inside joke from the movie.  I made the shirts from a light grey knit I had in my stash.

So the first shirt was Aubree's.  She really wanted to have this character Lonnie on a shirt somehow.
 We took an image from the actual film, from the "bus scene".  It's really random, but has become one of our favorites.

I finally decided how I could do this, and it combined freezer paper stenciling with fabric paint, and free motion sewing.
The hair, background of the face, and text were painted on with freezer paper stencils.
To sew the facial features on, I traced them on freezer paper and ironed it on top of the black background as a template.  Then I was able to sew the face on.

It makes more sense if you've seen the movie.

Brooklyn's shirt has a battle stag.

A painted deer with applique rockets and red eye.

Beneath the stag, I sewed "oh my holy crap" with the free motion presser foot.

We made a third shirt for my other niece that couldn't come.  It's a larger battle stag {I still need to sew on the rockets}.

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  1. you're going to make me watch this movie. my husband is lover of all things obscure and hated by the masses. we'll be serving this up at our next movie viewing. :)

  2. those are too cool!!! great job. Noticed one of your nieces is named Brooklyn - my twins are Brook and Lynn - their father is from Brooklyn. Tone

  3. Love that last picture. :)

  4. Seriously, can I be your neice and come hang out! Love these, and that last picture is pretty awesome. Love it!

  5. I think you win the awesome aunt award.

  6. Oh my holy crap they turned out AWESOME!!!!

  7. yes I agree, awesome Aunt award goes to you! How fun! I love weird inside jokes. :D

  8. Ok, so I really love you. Haven't checked out your blog in a while and I was thinking of crafty friends to inspire me and naturally you came to mind. That clip just made my entire night. I'll probably be watching it repeatedly. I'm so glad to see (y)our quirky sense of humor remains quite in tact. You rock.


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