
Baggy Tees

11:50 PM

I haven't quite finished the Maxi Dress from a Vintage Sheet pattern.  We ended up going camping this week and it didn't get done as I'd hoped.  In the mean time, we had one last niece project we whipped out.

The 80s Baggy Tee
Last week my nieces and I went shopping.  They pointed out shirts they liked--baggy, loose tees that reminded me of the 80s.  I told them we could totally make some for much less than they could buy.  So we studied the shape of the shirts and went home.
{Brooklyn asked me to point out she was unaware the shot included her head in this one}

The shirt gets the drape from the funnel shape, and the weird long sleeves.  The shirts they tried on in the stores had really wide necks, so we also made sure to make the neck smaller so these wouldn't hang off one shoulder.

We've had so much fun with these girls the two weeks they've been visiting.  They love to climb on my roof, and we have a tradition of eating tacos out on the roof in the middle of the night.

They have to start 8th grade next week and they'll have a few comfy retro styles to wear.  I'm thinking I may want one of these.

We went to a Journey concert a few weeks ago (they're touring the US with Foreigner this summer) and we've been watching their music videos from the 80s these two weeks, here the girls are acting out "Chain Reaction".

Our most watched music video is "Separate Ways".

Actually we really love the 80s in our family.
A few years ago I organized an 80s party for my husband's family and everyone dressed up.  We played 80s Jepordy, ate Pac-Man cake, and I made a slide show of all the adults' photos from the 80s.  Most of Rhett's siblings were teens in the 80s so it was really awesome to see their tight jeans and huge bangs.
 I brought outfits for my in-laws and was impressed they actually dressed up.  It was a lot of fun!

With these girls leaving, I'm really feeling the end of summer near...too near.

Anyone else loving the revival of 80s styles lately?

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  1. uhhhh are you going to post how you made these FABULOUS T's. I want them .....this is all I wear now a days! Although I'm still a starter sewer so please tell me it's easy! 80's RULE

  2. I've always loved a good baggy tee or sweatshirt, great for lounging around on a sunday night, in front of a movie eating pop corn... Funny, I was thinking of making some for myself too lately.

  3. Great Job! I just made a very similar shirt earlier this summer with a pattern from a library book. It was so comfy until I shrank it and had to give it to my teenage cousin :( You really should make on for your self though, you'll love it!


  4. Those shirts are fab! I want one, too! Sounds like you've had a great time with your nieces.

  5. Love the Tees and the Journey video. Ahhhh it's always a good start to a day to jam out to some Journey.

  6. So happy the baggier T's are back. I have a bit of a muffin top, and hate how form fitted most of those shirts are!! So jealous you saw Journey and Foreigner!! Two of my faves!! Never had a chance to see Journey - but have seen Foreigner a few times with my husband- in fact a concert in 1981 was our first "official" date!! : )

  7. I'm with Staci, I would love to see a how to. These shirts are great!

  8. Jess- You are so talented! What amazing things you come up with! I love these shirts!!

  9. Tacos on the roof at midnight...I would have loved to have an aunt who would do that. Sounds like you girls had a great time! And, yes, I loved the 80's!

  10. I would love to know how to make these shirts! I love the baggier shirts also, but as you stated the necks are always too wide. Not good for a mother always chasing around after her little ones. LOL Thanks for sharing.

  11. You whip out such fabulous stuff!! I (along with other posters) would love, love, love a tutorial on how you made these adorable shirts!

  12. Will there be a tutorial for this shirt? Because there totally should be. :)

  13. As long as stirrup pants dont come back. Because the baggy knee and the triangle look from ankle to hip was so NOT adorable. These shirts? totalyl adorable. :)

  14. You are so talented Jess! Please, please tell me how you made these or maybe you can help me when you are down one time! I am not like the rest of you sewers in the family and can look at something and make it. I need a pattern!


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