
Handmade Trade

8:16 AM

My best friend's mom is incredible at knitting. She made these amazing sweaters for my Striker boy and I love them so much.

To show my appreciation, I made these two little outfits for her new grandson.

And best of all, Striker loves his knitted sweaters.

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  1. too cute !! It is so really good to hear from Running with scissors again. your blog like a few others has been absent from my inbox for quite some time. thinking I might have been accidentally unsubscribed I attempted to resubscribe but received the message that I am currently on the list. How is Jessica's homebuilding coming along???

  2. Love the handmade sweaters! I thought they were machine made. You both have wicked skills.

  3. Both of our lives have been a little chaotic, but we'll be posting a bit more now. Jess is finishing up the details with all the bids right now. The whole massive project will be getting started soon!


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