
Here Comes Halloween!

10:54 AM

It's a good time to start on Halloween costumes once you're back to school is done!
My kids have been playing in the dress ups lately and we have two little foxes.
RJ has outgrown his fox, but still squishes in it.

There's the PDF print at home pattern for this fox, wolf, or bear here.
{for us RJ was Max from Where the Wild Things Are and an ewok}

Or for a quick easy costume, you can always whip up a dino tail!
I committed to sew some empty tails as charity for a children's museum in Nebraska and I finally got them done and ready to ship off.  I'm slowly getting back into sewing again.

This year I'm really excited for our Halloween costumes, we're doing a whole family theme...hopefully.

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  1. Bite your tongue! Grace will be changing her mind up until the last week when we tell her that it's it because Aunt Laura is already making her costume and we can't change it now! Most likely, I will be up at 3 am the night before whipping out two identical costumes like last year's "nice, not scary pumpkins with big teeth and fangs!"

  2. omg! are we really talking about Halloween already? I can't believe August is almost halfway through!

  3. ADORABLE. It is time to start thinking about Halloween, isn't it? Sheesh this year is flying!

  4. Oh my gosh! I'm so glad someone else said it! lol I have a 13 month old that didn't really have any sort of first halloween since he was real sick and it was so cold and wet so this year will be his first and I've been turning over costume ideas for him heavily the past couple days :)
    Bonnie MS

  5. So cute! Wish we "did" Halloween in Australia, just so I could dress my little man up. http://iliska-dreams.blogspot.com.au/


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