
Despicable Me and Maternity Halloween Costume

4:00 AM
Here our the Halloween costumes for our family this year: We're all characters from the kids movie, Despicable Me. I got the idea for these costumes a few months ago when my belly started showing with this pregnancy.  RJ told me I looked like Vector (who has a middle aged man gut) and would always love for me to say "Oh yeah!  Oh...



Zero the Ghost Dog

1:38 PM
This year we added to our Nightmare Before Christmas life-size collection. Last year we made Jack Skellington, tutorial here.   We made the next character and went with the easier option by making the ghost dog, Zero. {source} So zero is pretty simple.  I started by making a wire skeleton.  The joints were secured with duct tape strips. I WISH I'D SPRAYED THE...


boys clothing

film petit: Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds

6:00 AM
I'm pretty honored/ thrilled to get invited to be a part of film petit this month! If you haven't followed previous months, Kristin at skirt as top and Jessica at a little gray have a series where once a month they and a lucky guest sew children's clothes inspired by a movie. There's been some awesome sewing in past months, definitely worth checking...



Plum Maternity Cords

9:10 PM
I've come to the point in my pregnancy I have to wear maternity pants. I fight it as long as I can, but the belly is too big, weight gain makes them too small, and regular pants are too uncomfortable despite the tricks to make them work as long as possible. But the problem is I loathe maternity pants.  My biggest problem is they're never...


art & craft

Garland from Real Fall Leaves

7:50 PM
Last month we visited my sister and took a picnic in the canyon. RJ collected a grocery sack of fall leaves, and I thought of something to make with them. So first to preserve them and prevent them drying out and cracking, I soaked the leaves for 4 days in: 2 c. water 1 c. glycerin I laid all the leaves in a cookie...


boys clothing

KCWC: Sweater Cardigans

2:58 PM
Over at Elsie Marley, each fall and spring there's a kids clothing sewing challenge, and this is my little entry I did Monday and Tuesday evenings.   I made two black and white cardigans for each of my kids. RJ loves his, mainly because he got to pick the buttons and they weren't what I wanted him to pick. Funny how the rebellion...


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