
Baby Bedtime Bags for BOYS!

1:57 PM

I was hoping to have it done earlier, but a last minute trip to my in-laws last week put me behind.
So it's near completion and in the process of sewing lots of baby bags this week I decided we needed some especially for the boys!

Obviously plain or patterned knit work for either gender, (and this idea would work well for girls), but it seemed perfect to make baby boy something from dad's t-shirts!

Men's t-shirts are great for repurposing for kids clothing.
It seems we have a bunch of t-shirts that we can't get rid of because they're too sentimental and they could use a new life.
My husband has this t-shirt from high school (late 1990s) with Casper the Ghost on it and won't throw it away.
Maybe if we ever have another baby boy Casper will finally come out of the closet for baby jammies.

I thought t-shirts could also create  unique, meaningful gifts for someone else's baby.
Using sports t-shirts for families that have favorite teams, or nerdy goofy shirts like the "fantasy football" shirt would rock someone's baby shower.
 Practical gift to help baby sleep plus something personal and awesome too.
For these I used contrasting but coordinating colors for the snap placket and neckline.
Depending on the size of shirt, you could even use the original neck ribbing if you wanted.

Isabella kind of looks like a boy in this, I can't believe she's one month  old today!

Have a good weekend and you can find the sewing pattern for these bedtime bags here on Monday!

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  1. Oh my goodness these are adorable! I am pregnant with our first baby. It is a boy AND my husband just made the comment that he needs new clothes which means he will be cleaning out his old t-shirts. What perfect timing :) I can't wait for the pattern.

  2. Love the Army with the coordinating gold strip! Too cute.

  3. love it! I need it in a 9m size, ha, can you believe my giant 6 month old suddenly loves being swaddled again??! I keep meaning to buy or make something like this for him.

  4. Thank you so much, for including the prem size, not many people do when it comes to patterns, my prems are now big boys at 15 months old but I self drafted sleeping bags for them out of sale t shirts when they were tiny. I did one Velcro closure and practically threw it out as soon as I tried to use it-fail! Another I did with elastic but their toes tended to poke out of course! I never did get it to an art but the elastic did the job when I put long legging socks on them. This pattern looks wonderful, wish it was around for me back then! I'll have to whip some up for gifts now :)

  5. Ahhh so cute! These seem like such great gifts, too. Love the boy versions and I still can't get enough of Isabella's fuzzy head. :)

  6. You are a genius! What a great idea.


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