
Jute Suit

10:31 PM

RJ turned five recently and we've somehow lost all his dress pants (hoping they're at Grandma's or something) so I thought I'd make him a new summer suit.
Getting clothes for your birthday as a little boy is as exciting as getting toilet paper, so obviously he didn't love the gift, but I guess it was something he needed and gave me a deadline to get it made.
I had planned a blazer, as I made him the corduroy and Real McCoy ones in the past which he grew out of.
But for the heat of the summer, I thought maybe just a vest would be good.
So I guess when I say "suit" it's just pants and a coordinating vest.
I used a jute colored pin stripe, thinking the lighter color would be a good spring/ summer option.

It's a basic vest and for the trouser--the pants being another pair of Grandpa pants.
I'm so glad I actually cut a paper pattern when I drafted the first ones, because this is the third pair I've made for him.
Those original gray pants have received far more compliments and other moms asking where I bought them than any other article of clothing I've ever sewn.  
Grandpa pants are definitely my "go to" pants for this kid.  
When we go out of town I always bring them for double duty from play to church and everything in between.
I'm shocked his original pair have worn so well and don't have holes in the knees like most of his jeans.
We both like them so much he needed another pair.

 But the vest first of all:
I drafted the vest from his measurements, which was weird to discover his chest is now 1" wider than his waist.
He's morphing from toddler into this boy body!  
I didn't do anything interesting on the best.  
I thought about adding a collar or making the hem straight, but just went with traditional points. 

Most vests have the back piece from the lining silk fabric, but I like to do it in the same fabric.
No real reason, just my preference. 

I did add welt pockets to the waist like usual and a smaller chest pocket.
Occasionally he'll put his dad's pocket watch in there, but most of the time he thinks it's for candy to eat during church.

I also drafted the front to meet what seemed higher than other vests.
I like room for more than usual 2 to 3 buttons.
I know vests and suits should always be worn with the bottom button undone, but I have to say it kind of never feels right. 

On to the pants!
Some changes from the first Grandpa pants are the addition of belt loops, and the welt back pockets instead of patch pockets.
Other than that, these have the zip fly, front pockets, and elastic waistband.
I always ask him whether he wants a button, snap or hook/eye on the waistband closure, and he seems to prefer the hook.

His belt is a little small, but it's my husband's childhood belt so we're wearing it as long as possible.

The back belt loops cross and I encased the tops in the seam to make them stronger on top with this lighter non-denim fabric.

Hope your Spring is going well!
This would have been good for Easter, but I'm behind schedule on my "need to make" list it seems!

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  1. The suit looks soooo good Jess! I might need to start sewing kids clothes because I have tried to do a few for me and I don't like how any of them have turned out :(. It might be to hard for me right now to try to fit a women's curves. Just to confusing :/ RJ looks great in his suit and it is sewn so well. Great job!!! I am always impressed!

    1. Kids are definitely easier! I have to admit if I have a new idea that seems hard to sew, I usually think I'll try the idea on Ellie first before I waste lots of fabric on me!

  2. Gorgeous suit and such an enthusiastic model!

    1. Thanks, he was very clear he'd help take pictures...but only if we did it fast. It ended up being less than 5 minutes and he ran away. It's sad he's getting annoyed with my hobby now he's getting older!

  3. I LOVE the suits for your little man. I want to make suits for my little men now!

  4. I love these pictures!!! once again you are amazing!! I am so impressed with your skills!!!

  5. I think the suit looks lovely. It is full of character!

  6. You did such a good job! I absolutely love the outfit& need to make my one year old a vest asap for a birthday. Loving all the welt pockets, they give it such a mature look <3.


  7. Very cute, I am a sucker for vests. You did a very good job with them.

    1. Thanks! I love a guy in a vest as well...too bad my husband thinks they are lame!

  8. Love the suit. I read Jute suit and thought of the song, Zoot Suit Riot. Gave me a good chuckle.
    Thanks for sharing the how to. I need to work on some summer pieces for my son, the wool vest won't be good for summer.

    1. I thought of that song too...glad you caught it!

  9. This is adorable!! what a fantastic job you have done. he is a cute model too! :)

  10. I love it! It came out so great, you did an amazing job!

  11. great looking, super skills and details are really impressive
    and Happy Birthday to that handsome young 5 year old. If he is like most children that grow up with a mother as talented as you are they may go thru not wanting pix butting into their playtime BUT what proud stories they have to tell later on. Most appreciate not having to wear cooky cutter clothing too..

  12. Amazing as usual!
    I have just started watching "The Great British Sewing Bee" on You Tube, and was thinking you would totally be able to compete in that!
    Brilliant, you are.

  13. Love the links to the Petit Films! And, this whole outfit is adorable. That fabric is great!
    I was thinking, if you or your husband wanted to make a new belt together with your son, I had seen this article in MAKE a few years back:
    Perhaps it can be a do-it-together activity. :)

  14. I love the welt pockets and the cross over belt loop. He is such a cutie - you could put him in anything and he'd still be cute :)

  15. Impressive, and it looks really cute! I prefer the back of the vest to be of the main fabric too.

  16. Those are fabulous. It fits him perfectly. You are one talented gal!

  17. I can't even explain how great that suit is! Awesome!

  18. This is really, really amazing Jess. You blow my mind with your tailoring, girl.


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