
Simple Blouse Week: Day 2 Pointed Peter Pan

4:00 AM

Day 2 of Simple Blouse Week has a contrasting collar!
I cut the neck a little higher and added a pointed peter pan collar in satin.
The other change on this variation from the basic simple blouse pattern is the bias tape trim on the sleeve hem.

This dot fabric was on the sheer side, so the blouse is also lined, which helped create a nice neckline with the collar.
The raw edges of the all three layers is folded in between the blouse and lining to make a smooth, finish around the neck without any top-stitching.

The biggest challenge was drafting the one piece collar.
Erin's tutorial helped make it easier than my original plan.
I went with pointed tips to make it a little different than a regular curved peter pan collar.

Of all my blouses this week, I think this is the top I'm most excited about....
...but feel like I don't really know how to wear it!

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  1. Time to make yourself a red skirt! So cute!

  2. That is really cute! And I agree that it would look great with a red skirt. =)

  3. Love it! Now share the pattern! LOL!!

  4. Oh that is very cute! I love the dots and the contrasting collar. Its delicious!

  5. oh the pointed collar instead of round is great idea.I am sure some of your pants and jackets would be great with this added to them.
    Oh what a treasure that photo of Mommy and Ellie.Humor and love combo is always a great one.

  6. Ohh I love this one, the bias trim adds so much as does the collar!

  7. *SQUEAL* I love it!!!!! I want, no NEED that pattern!!!!! Pretty pleeeeeeese?!?!?!?

  8. You look absolutely adorable in it!
    You wear it well, of course:)

  9. Would you mind sharing how you drafted your pattern? I'm thinking about tracing a loose knit shirt to make a woven shirt that still has enough ease but I was just curious how you did it. I love the idea of a simple blouse that is easy to sew and wear that is made out of a material other than knit. I find myself reverting to knit shirts every day too and it is amazing the difference you feel (i.e., not a tired, cranky, snot stains on your shoulder from kids kind of mommy) just by wearing a different fabric. I love the idea of your series. Thanks for your posts!

    1. here's the link for the collar drafting: http://leafytreetopspot.blogspot.com/2011/10/top-toberfest-peter-pan-collar-tutorial.html
      As for the blouse, I had an H&M button up shirt that had tiny minimal chest darts, so I laid it out for the blouse front and back and sleeves, then the neckline was a different scoop neck tee. Once you draft the front and back, you can sew the shoulder and side seams, try it on inside out and adjust any areas that need to come in.
      Good luck!


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