
I've had a secret...

4:00 AM

..that I'm pretty thrilled to be able to share.

I'll be teaching at Sewing Summit 2013 this September!

It's a conference focused on sewing, with a few classes on blogging stuff as well.
I'll be teaching a hands-on class making your own simple blouses!
They'll have a classroom of sewing machines to sew while you're there!

Hopefully this will be a good class for anyone who would like to sew garments for themselves,
especially if you're like me and started with skirts but was a little nervous about tops.
There's going to be instruction on the main simple blouse and different variations
(placket, sleeve length, maternity, collars, sleeveless tank, etc) to take with you as well.
I've taught a few sewing classes in the past few years and I really love it
 (even to teens with zero sewing experience) and am just so excited about the chance to
share my simple blouse pattern (a complimentary paper pattern will come with the class)
and interact with other sewists out there!

There's many more awesome teachers and classes in case you're not interested in mine!
I'm really excited to meet some of the friends I've been able to get to know through blogs,
eat, and learn more about sewing.

You can register this morning (April 16) starting at 10am MST.
Last year tickets sold out (only 250 available) within a few hours.
Hope to see you there!
(I'll be the tall dork looking nervous in the corner)

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  1. just wish I could join.... :) but it's sooooooooooooo far

  2. Congratulations! I am always wishing something this awesome would be close to me but sadly it doesn't usually work out that way.:(

    Have fun!


  3. I totally thought you were going to say you're pregnant again already.

    I bet it will be an awesome class, but definitely too far for me as well.

    1. ah!!! If I was pregnant I'd probably be bawling and in the fetal position. :) We're going to wait at least 3 years after Izzie, assuming there is a #4! So no, the secret wasn't that life changing.

  4. Fun! I saw you one their website this morning. I'm not sure if I'm going but I bought a ticket just in case!

  5. How cool you're teaching!!! I've got my ticket!

    1. yay! We'll get to meet in person. I was pretty shocked I get to teach.

  6. That is so exciting!!! I will have to be sure to take your class now - YEAH!!!!

  7. This is such cool news!!! Have a wonderful time - you'll be fabulous :)


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