We've had our dining set in storage the last 4 years.. I've been planning to make a tablecloth for over a year, ever since I found black and white damask print oil cloth on sale for $1.50 per yard. I bought 4 yards last fall, and was excited to put it to use. You can find tablecloth vinyl or oil cloth in fabric...
I've been taking a break from house projects. My two 12-year-old nieces are visiting for the week and we've been busy...making Halloween costumes. Here's a sneak peek:It's been fun to switch things up a bit with a little sewing. I've been taking a break from house projects. My two 12-year-old nieces are visiting for the week and we've been busy...making Halloween costumes. Here's...
My two nieces are here for the week, and one niece forgot a skirt for church. So Saturday night we whipped up a quick A-line skirt. Elastic waist, just the 2 side seams, and we added 1" pink grosgrain ribbon along the hem. I think she liked it. My two nieces are here for the week, and one niece forgot a skirt for...
From the beginning, I wanted to paint the mantle. For the same reasons I wanted to paint the kitchen cabinets. But as we were planning everything, my husband said he didn't think we should just paint over an oak mantle. {I actually don't think it's oak} So I put it on the back burner and told him to think about it. Once all...
I bought this mirror over a year ago at a clearance tent sale for $10.00 I never liked the gold, so it needed a new paint job. 1. Tape paper over glass and to the edges. 2. Spray a coat of primer 3. Spray 2 coats of your paint of choice {I went with nickel} Let dry and it's a new mirror! I...
Another thrift store upgrade. For years, I've been looking for metal card holders. I saw them in a magazine used as a console table once, kind of like an industrial apothecary table or something. So when I saw these in our local thrift store, I bought them, not entirely sure what I'd use them for. The big one was $5.00 and the little...
Just a quick little thrift store make over. I wanted a little bulletin board to hold all our grocery lists, coupons, mini calendar in the kitchen because it's a pet peeve of mine to have crap all over the fridge. I do have papers and reminders, and it just bugs me, so hopefully some of it can move over here on the board....
I'm trying to get things organized in my craft room. I've been looking at storage containers, and totes and baskets just seem so pricey. So I remembered this tutorial from Make It and Love It where she made boxes and covered them with fabric. I didn't make the box, just used one that I already had. I folded the sides in and stapled...
airplanes and the moon. Just used freezer paper for the stenciling and white fabric paint on plain shirts he had in his drawer. Found the airplane clip art to print on google images. Freezer Painting Tutorial HERE He chose the airplane for today. ...
People have asked in comments how I get so many projects accomplished having a little kid. So this post is dedicated to tips on finding time for projects, since everyone is busy. I have to admit I get way more projects done since I've been a stay at home mom. Keep in mind, I also only have 1 kid and he's two, so...