
Fitted Simple Tablecloth

6:55 PM

We've had our dining set in storage the last 4 years..
I've been planning to make a tablecloth for over a year, ever since I found black and white damask print oil cloth on sale for $1.50 per yard.  I bought 4 yards last fall, and was excited to put it to use.
You can find tablecloth vinyl or oil cloth in fabric stores, but the prints are usually pretty scarce, a lot of ants/ picnic or red/white checks.  You can find a bigger variety of prints online.
It's nice that the tablecloth is fitted, so it doesn't slide around and it saved fabric.
It will be nice to have a wipeable tablecloth to try to protect the wood table, now that a toddler is using it too.

amounts depend on your table
tablecloth vinyl/ oil cloth (I used 2 yards for mine)
double-wide bias tape (I used 2 (3yd) packages)

1. Cut Fabric
First you'll need to measure your table top.  Add 1.5" to each side for seam allowances.
Cut a square for the table top, it should hang off each side 3/4" at this point.
Cut the sides of the tablecloth, by cutting strips which you'll be connecting .
I made mine 6" wide, and the width of the fabric.  Using your measurements, determine how many strips you'll need to go around the perimeter of the table. 
I needed 4 strips 6" wide.

2. Sew Side-Strips Together
Putting right sides together, sew your strips into one long chain.

3. Sew Sides To Main Tablecloth Square
Beginning near one corner, and leaving a few inches unsewn, sew the long strip to the square of the tablecloth, right sides together. Use a 1/4" to 3/8" seam allowance.
When you get to a corner, put the needle down and pivot the long strip to line up with the next edge.

Here's a video from the owl tote that shows the same idea on a corner

Continue around tablecloth, opening and sewing the seams in the strip flat when you come to them.

4. Finish Sides
When you come around to the end, stop sewing a few inches from where you began.
At this point you should have 2 ends of your long strip to work with.
Lay the main tablecloth flat and meet the 2 side ends together.
Pin them where the final seam should be.
Pin the 2 sides of the strip together, and sew them together at your pin mark.
Trim off any extra strip you may have, and sew the last seam flat to the tablecloth.

Snip corners.

5. Add Bias Tape Trim
Rather than fold and hem, I chose to add bias tape for a quick, easy way to add a solid color around the bottom of the tablecloth.
I used extra wide, double fold bias tape.


Obviously these instructions are specifically for square or rectangular tables, but you could made a round or oval tablecloth the same way, just lay your fabric on the table and trim the correct shape, leaving the 3/4 to 1" extra along all the edges.

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  1. Looks fabulous! I love the damask print!!

  2. Love it! It looks great. Good idea to have a fitted cloth so it doesn't slide around. Love the pattern.

  3. What a stylish take on a kid friendly table cloth! Nicely done!

  4. that is a great idea with very clear instructions
    Thank you for taking the trouble to share it's very kind of you!

  5. This is so beautiful & simple. I love it. This is on my crafting list! Thank you so much for sharing & taking the time to make the tutorial.

    Rachelle S.

  6. Waverly makes a vinyl tablecloth in a similar print. They go for about $8 at Christmas Tree stores, so if you are looking for the materials to make a fitted tablecloth of your own, this might be a good source.

  7. This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you for posting!I have one problem I wanted to see if you could give me a quick fix for. My table is 54"x54". The fabric I bought is exactly 54" also, so I can have the 3/4" excess in one direction, but not the other. Thoughts?? either way, thank you again!!

  8. Stephanie:
    You really do need the seam allowance on both sides, or the tablecloth will pull and not lay right. You could just add a contrasting fabric around the 54" square to give the extra, or the same fabric.
    Good luck!

  9. Thank you! That's a great idea :) Thanks again for posting!!

  10. Thank you SO much for posting this....I have a 54 x 54 table also. It is nearly impossible to find "attractive" material. I'm curious if I could sew elastic to make it stay even tighter. I love your table cloth!!!!

  11. Any idea if this would work on an oblong table with rounded corners?

  12. Holly:
    The concept should work for any table shape. Just cut one piece for the table top with 1/2" extra on all sides. Then just sew your sides around the oval the same way. A round or oval shaped table, or even rectangular with curved corners in some ways would be easier to sew so you don't have to turn a tight corner. Good luck!

  13. Replies
    1. I would lay out your fabric on the table and cut the 1/2 to 1" extra around the whole thing, then sew the sides just the same as the above instructions, which will actually be easier as you don't have corners to turn. Then you can finish the edge the same way. Good luck!

  14. Thank you so much for this tutorial!! I offered to make a fitted tablecloth for a friend's school and then suddenly freaked out trying to think of how to do the corners. This was perfect!

  15. How about a round or oval cover?

    1. Cecelia,
      It would actually be easier as you wouldn't have corners. YOu could lay it out and leave 1/2" beyond table and just sew your border around, you'd have to clip the seam allowances so it would have a smooth curve, then finish the end seam as shown above. Good luck!


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