
Pattern Testers Animal Costumes

6:39 PM

Here is a quick gallery of some costumes from the Woodland Animal Costume PDF Sewing Pattern.
  I posted to see if anyone would be interested in pattern testing, and I was surprised I had so many volunteers and just went with a first come basis.  They were each assigned a specific animal to sew, and in their process helped me work out kinks with the pattern before I released it for purchase.
They could do whatever they wanted, so we have some female animals in there and variations, like using the bear pattern to make a yellow Care Bear costume!

It was very valuable for me to get feedback on my pattern, and I hope it was worthwhile for them.
My next pattern I'm currently working on is the adult hipster hoodies and I think I will use pattern testers again--these ladies were so helpful!
They range in beginner to expert:


Yellow terrycloth Care Bear 
Kirsten at Life in my houseful of boys made one, but I don't have a photo to share here.

Fierce brown bear by Sew Much To Love


and Erin did double duty and made a fox in addition to her Care bear.

Amber made this cute fox for her daughter Ellie and is planning on making blue mittens and booties so she can be Fox In Socks for Halloween.  
I thought that was a cute idea!

Thanks for all the pattern testers and good luck to anyone else making their kids' halloween costumes! 
 I need to get going on a few of ours I have planned.

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  1. These all look awesome! I feel good being a part of this testing group :) Thanks, Jessica, for letting me be a part of this project, I truly enjoyed it.

  2. they did awesome!! the white fox suit is my favorite, although they are all great! If you need testers for your hoodie, I'd be happy to join in :)

  3. these look adorable. keep me in mind if you need a pattern tester for the hipster hoodie!

  4. I'm in the midst of making your pattern into a Dinosaur costume for my Dino obsessed little son. I have all the pieces cut, just need some sleeping baby time to sew it all up!

    Thans for offering such a great pattern!

  5. Great job by the pattern testers!!

  6. Such cute lil animals! Thanks again Jessica for letting me test the pattern, it was fun! And My husband really wants a hipster hoodie, so I'm happy to volunteer to test the pattern if you need it!

  7. What wonderful photos! I am so glad I was able to take part in this pattern test, Jessica you are amazingly talented and I'm crossing my fingers that I will get the opportunity to test for you again :)

  8. Thanks for featuring my wolf. It's lovely to see what the others made - they're all so cute. I had so much fun taking part and the costume went down really well at Halloween :)

  9. So inspiring! The thing that is so great about these Animal suits is that you can choose any animal you want or adore. You have an unlimited range of choices for a costume and that is what makes it interesting.


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