
Simple Baby Thank You Cards

5:00 AM

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I'm trying to get things ready for the baby, and with my last pregancy I embellished thank you cards and got a few compliments on them, so I thought I'd make another round for this baby since they are super easy.

There are so many more talented scrapbooked cards out there.  I am a dud with crafty paper skills.  So I'm sure for a lot of people these cards are total white trash compared to the amazing things scrapbookers could create.  So here's a simple way to take generic cards and baby them up if you lack in the scrapbook/ fancy card making area like me.

I just bought simple, basic thank you cards. 

Using craft paint watered down a little, I dipped the end of my fist in paint.  Then stamped it down on the cards.

This is the "foot print".  Obviously some don't look perfect and may not perfectly resemble an actual foot.
Also, I have huge man hands (have you seen that Seinfeld episode?) so my feet end up being big.

To add the toe prints, I just use the tip of my pinky finger to dip in the paint and make all little 5 dots.

Once the cards are dry, I just write my note right on top of the foot print.  They're obviously all different, and a little organic looking since it's your hand doing the stamping, but I like it and think it makes it seem more authentic.  You could also dillute the paint more so it's more of a watermark rather than a solid paint glob like mine.

Maybe not your style, but an easy, simple, quick way to slightly personalize your thank you cards.
After all, in reality these are most likely just future trash right?

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  1. fun idea! you have a beautiful handwrite ☺

  2. My cousin is going to have a baby and this will be a wonderful gift for her. Thanks!!

  3. I appreciate the simplicity of these cards. Scrapbooks and elaborate cards are not my thing. I prefer e-albums and stamped card stock. These look cute to me.

    Renaissance Momma

  4. love the idea! these would work great for baby shower invites. thanks! love, Jello

  5. That's a lovely idea and you've made me realize I could use a folded blank index card and potato stamp the front with a heart or any other shape that appeals ...or even not fold it and make a thank you or hello again postcard...you share lovely ideas that spark off ideas in your readers...well me anyway! that's fun Thank you!

  6. Very cute idea! I may steal this come May!

  7. What a cute cute idea! Thank you for sharing! I love your blog, I'm a new follower!

  8. So cute and simple and EASY... because you're absolutely right -- it's going in the trash one way or another, usually.

  9. That is super cute. I love it. And you made me chuckle about the 'Man Hands'. that's a great episode. :)

  10. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts about this matter. Baby thank you cards are definitely useful in special occasions like christening and birthday.


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