
Winners and Reader Project

10:41 AM

Thanks for everyone who entered the Hipster Hoodie Pattern giveaway!
It was fun to read everyone's childhood TV shows.  I had totally forgot about Gummy Bears!  I loved that show, I remember they would drink berry juice and bounce. 
I also totally remember and love Today's Special.

Anyway, the winners selected by randomizer.org
Comment #1: Lena: Skippy the bush kangaroo was a favorite of mine. (Yep I'm Australian) :)

Comment #30: Kristyn @ Good Gravy Crafts said...
Here I was thinking I was the only girl who loved Jem and X-Men!!!
You rock! Love this hoodie, would love to try it out as one of my goals this year...learn to sew!

Comment #3: Heldin des Chaos:   Cute hoodie, but even cuter models :-)
I loved Disneys Gummibears as a kid. And Chip 'n Dale. And Ducktales of course. Actually I loved every Disney Cartoon and still think they where so much better than the stuff they make today, but thats maybe just the way everybody thinks about his childhood.

Comment #24: Amber said...
Alf!!! I love that show! And, I love this hoodie!!!! It is so precious Jess!! I would love to make one for Carter!!!

Comment #41: Ann's ART said...I love this!!!
Still following your blog since "SYTYC" and have loved watching it grow!
And my favorite show as a kid was Smurfs. When I was a little older it was Saved By The Bell.


Next I just wanted to share a project from a reader-Mirja. She modified the tree tote tutorial to make totes as Christmas gifts.
I love it when I find out people are using the tutorials!
If you have projects you want to share, you could email me: runningscissor@gmail.com or load it in the flickr group.
Hopefully I'll have a painting to share soon for the baby nursery...or rather, baby corner in the kid's room.

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  1. Oh my gosh I won!!!! I am so excited!!! Thank you thank you!!!!


  2. I nearly forgot about this... How will I get the pattern?


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