

8:47 PM

Spring has yet to really make its appearance where I live, it still feels like winter is lingering.  But I'm in the mood to pretend it's warm, and be able to ditch the coats.  So I made a light spring scarf using this tutorial from Dana at made.  It's super easy, it took less than 15 minutes to make, and cost me $0.75.  I found some thin chiffon-like fabric for only $1.50 per yard, and a scarf takes half a yard. 

I'm usually lame with accessories, but I'm trying to make some effort.  This was easy to make and easy to wear.  It didn't really get in the way and I liked it.  I may have to make more scarves. 

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  1. It's very pretty! I've come across that tutorial a few times now. Must be a sign! Thank for the inspiration!

  2. That's so pretty. I really like the fabric.

  3. Ooh! So cute. I wish I had your eye for things like this... and your talent... and a sewing machine :)

  4. now that is a beautiful scarf and a great photo!

  5. Thats a really cute scarf. I think Ima have to go see if I have any light fabric in my stash and try-er out. Thanks for the inspiration.


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