

2:47 AM

Nothing too exciting, just a few accessories I've been working on.
First up are more headbands for baby, burning the edges of the satin to make the flowers.
I had lots of satin scraps from all the capes I used to make.
I would like to use the little yellow one by just attaching it to her head.  How do people glue accessories to baby girl's hair so you don't need the headband? I've heard of Karo syrup, KY jelly, what works?  I've never tried anything yet.  The hospital put a little red bow on her head, and whatever they used was strong.  It was on there 3 days and I had to pretty much peel the thing off.

These are easy and quick, my son liked burning them with the candle.  Well watching me burn them I should say.  I don't let my toddler play with fire.  I promise.

The next accessory I've been playing with has been these knit bracelets from Vanessa at V and Co.
At the end of the tutorial there's a link to watch a video, which was much more helpful to me than the photographed steps.
It's a technique using your fingers as pegs to weave the strip of knit into a square braid tube thing.  It reminded me of doing boon-doggle as a kid at recess.  I'm sure I would have loved to make these babies as a kid, cutting up all my knit shirts to make a ton.  I limited myself to only 3 for now.

My son has been playing with them and helped me get a few photos.

I'm pretty conservative with accessories, so I only made the smaller, thinner 2 finger weaves.  The 3 or 4 finger weaves would be pretty thick and bulky if you like the chunky stuff. 

Since I ended up making the same colors as Vanessa, (just different shades) I thought I'd also copy her signature "bracelet pose" but my model had taken his clothes off mid-afternoon,  and had a hard time standing still.
After he let me get my few pictures, the bracelets became obstacles on the track with his Thomas train toys. I noticed a few trains were carrying them as cargo in their cars too.

And to finish this off, a photo of the baby:

She's doing well and putting on the chub.  At her two week appt she weighed 9 lb 1 oz, her birth weight was 7 lb 10 oz.  So hopefully I'll lose my chunk and she'll gain it.  We'll see how much nursing can do to help lose the baby weight.

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  1. How cute.
    I don't know about attaching things to baby heads whitout a headband, but maybe you could use one of those transparent straps that you use on bras when you weare something shoulderless.
    It would still be a headband but less obvious.

  2. Super duper cute!
    Thanks for sharing those awesome pics!
    OK, and you'll be amazed..but the secret to those bows & flowers that are just attached to babies heads in pics? Elmer's white glue.. No lie! I sell photography props and work with a ton of baby photographers. It's nontoxic and with some warm water, comes off.. Crazy, huh!

  3. I LOVE that idea! well both of them really! but may I say the pic of your son in his little boy shorts with the bracelets is too cute! I am going to make some of both of those! They look so easy!

  4. The photos of your kids are just adorable, I love that he helps you out! She is beautiful <3

  5. The flowers are lovely...and the kiddos are adorable. So happy things are going well.

  6. The NICU I used to work at used KY Jelly for bows, but there is a trick:
    1 - use name brand KY (yes, it does make a difference)
    2 - use lots, cover the entire bow in KY
    3 - Paste it on their head, and don't touch it until it is dry.

    It won't come off until you wash it out! Promise.

    This won't really work with your adorable flowers, but it works for those little ribbon bows.

  7. The headbands and flowers are wonderful but the photo of your son in his briefs wearing bracelets is one of those priceless photo moments.

    When my daughter married she made a photo montage video using photos of her and her husband. The photos started at birth and ended with their engagement picture. This played during the reception and at the rehearsal dinner. This picture of your son would be great for that purpose when he is much older. Love it!!!!

  8. I've also heard karo syrup and elmer's glue. Crazy, right?

  9. I always used KY, the Karo syrup dried a little bit sticky, but the KY usually peels right off the back of the bow. I don't know how well it would work for a flower though. My friend used to use small clips with velcro on the inside part, where the baby hair is to help hold it on a little better.


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