
Organization: Ribbon

11:02 AM

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Organizing All My Ribbon Scraps
I had 3 jars of ribbon.  Assorted colors, widths, and lengths just jammed in jars.
But I'm trying to better organize, and decided to consolidate all the room taken by spare ribbon.
I'm pretty sure I saw this idea on a blog with rick rack, but I have no idea where I saw it to give credit, so if you saw it too but remember where, let me know and I'll add the link.
Here's the link

One jar's worth poured out, kind of a mess to find what I'm looking for. 

I just took my ribbon and taped one end to a craft stick, then wrapped it around, and finished the end with another piece of masking tape.
Super easy, and it took the volume of ribbon down to half 1 jar.  It's also easier to sort through to see what I have, so I'm more likely to actually use it now.

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  1. I would love to just take a peek at your sewing room and see all the fun ways you store/display your goodies.

  2. That is such a good idea! It keeps it from getting wrinkled too! Love it!

  3. What a good idea! I'm starting to get quite a good sized pile of ribbon pieces and I can use this idea. Thanks.

  4. Your blog is great! I am very new to sewing, but was able to make the paci holder for a friend's upcoming shower and it turned out so cute! Thanks so much for sharing. I saw what I think was your inspiration for ribbon organization here: http://smashedpeasandcarrots.blogspot.com/2011/01/studio-organizationthe-other-cabinet.html


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