
Thrift Find: Vintage Spools

3:57 PM

reader comment from Cyndi on painting below asked about a lamp shade tutorial.  I couldn't find any email in blogger profile to contact you, but I don't know which tutorial you'd like.  Please let me know: runningscissor@gmail.com and we'll see what we can do. Thanks.

Saturday we were out of town, and I had to kill time with my little guy, so we hit a thrift store.
I got a few things, but a sack of vintage wood spools of thread was the highlight.
All these spools together were $3.00

The thread seems pretty old, so it may not be the best quality, but I was more interested in all the vintage wood spools. 

I don't have an idea of what do to with these spools once the thread is gone, but I'm sure something cool will come up.

Whoever owned these, you could tell they didn't waste.  Some spools have barely any thread on them, I'm sure I would have thrown them away back in the day, but I'm glad she didn't.
I wish I had a better idea of just how old these are.  My grandma has been sewing all her life, and doesn't have any wood spools, but I guess she sews often enough she goes through them.  Maybe she'd have an idea and recognize the decade these labels were used or something.
How nice would it be to buy a spool for only 15 cents!

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  1. I LOVE WOODEN SPOOLS!!! And those were a steal!! Great job!!

  2. How neat! I love how you've displayed them!

  3. i love how you have them displayed!

    I know that when I've used vintage (aka really old thread that i have no idea how long that it has been around)- I've had a lot of breakage and sewing machine issues. I've seen it listed as one of "those" things that one must check if you are having sewing machine issues - old/cheap thread.

    All that to say it might be worth cutting off the thread and tossing it and keeping the "prize" inside - rather than potentially screwing up projects with substandard / old thread.

    YMMV of course..

  4. I've come across a few in my MIL's stash that I have kept. I have no idea of what I am going to do with them yet either.

  5. I have some of those! I remember what I used some of them for too. Scary huh! When I was young I had a job in a fabric store and was eventually in charge of all the Coats and Clarks Thread, zippers and tapes. I think I could find more of what I needed then when a fabric store was a "Fabric Store" and not a "You name it we've got it" store.

    I think I know now what to put in that cute jar that sits empty.

    ps...would you believe I have a spool of thread from a home ec project? Let me see that would have been 1967!

  6. That is fabulous! I found some great jars too. Check me out, I'm following!
    Have a good night!

  7. I also have a bunch of thread on wooden spools, and if the spool is empty, I just can't part with it.
    I have noticed that there are some very unusual colors among them, and sometimes I have been in need of an odd color. I pull on the thread, and if it doesn't break easily, I will use it on a project.

  8. what a neat find! i noticed that a lot of bloggers who attended the CHA put up photos of a wreath made out of vintage spools.

  9. So so pretty! I'm always on the lookout for this very thing. I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  10. My hubby surprised me last week with wooden spools he found at an antique mall. They are sitting on my piano waiting for me to decide how to display them. A glass bowl is a good idea that would also keep them safe from little fingers. Not to brag on him, but DH also brought home a 1910 Singer. Really good antiquing day!

  11. I absolutely love those old wooden spools and have way too many of them that I don't know what to do with. Some I have displayed in old canning jars and a few with shiny thread I have strung together and use as christmas ornaments on the tree or just hang from a doorknob to make them "clunk" everytime the door opens and closes (my husband works nights so when I hear the "clunk" I know he is coming or going and I don't need to check the doors...


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