
New Wardrobe for Striker

9:42 AM

My Striker boy is one year and two months old now and he has grown out of all the store-bought clothes he received as gifts. Drew gave him his first haircut a few weeks ago and he's walking all over the house now. I decided to make him button-down shirts and trousers because he's not a baby anymore, just a little boy.

Striker has extremely sensitive skin so I used the softest fabrics I had. I made the shirts onesie-style so that they would stay tucked in, and so his skin stays covered to avoid the winter rash. I made him five shirts and six pairs of trousers.

With kids clothes I take as many short cuts as is reasonable. For these shirts I did a quick pleat vent instead of a true placket. And to save time on the collar I just cut the stand and collar as one piece. I've always thought my boy was adorable but to see him walking around in button down shirts has got to be one of the greatest things in my life right now.

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  1. I WANT to know how to sew these. I would buy the pattern, I would love a more in depth tutorial. A question and answer, anything. These are perfect!

  2. You are such an impressive sewer, Lynette!! The shirts are amazing. Second the pattern request for shirt and/or pants (the fit is great on the pants, not pajama-y at all)! I've got a new little guy on the way and when he's ready for some "real" clothes, I'd love to sew a few up. :)

    1. I'll have to talk to Jess about a pattern. I just hack out all my patterns on scrap paper and I have no idea how to make them digital, downloadable, printable etc.

  3. I love the shirts. Making them onesie style is inspired.

  4. Lynette, I would love to have a more detailed summary/explanation of how you made them. The clothes look so nice! I am more of a beginner at clothing construction though. Did you make your own pattern? Did you use his measurements or standard sizes or some of his existing clothes to get the size right?

    1. I did use my own pattern. I used his measurements because he's extra tall and thin. (Like his dad).

  5. Those little shirts are amazing! I particularly like the dark grey long-sleeved one. Even though I don't have any boys right now, I'd still be interested in learning to make something like this... pattern or tutorial.

  6. What a great idea to make the shirts onesies. He looks so cute and put-together, especially because they stay tucked in.

  7. Oooh, I really, really like this idea! Did you draft your own? Either way, very, very cool idea.

  8. I can sew but I'm not anywhere near confident enough to pull these off and I would buy these from you in a second since our baby boy is coming up on that age in a few months. Nice job!

  9. i would have done anything for patterns like these when my boy was little! i love how the "shortcuts" still give a legit look to the shirts. what a great wardrobe you've created!

  10. So glad to see you back blogging Lynette! These are just adorable. Makes me wish for a little one! I love the new blog look, BTW!

  11. I think we need a tutorial for that "fake" placket! It looks great!

  12. how did I miss this post!! I love these shirts!! these would be great for church too. All of my boy's shirts come UN-tucked within 2 min. I second the pattern/tutorial! would love to sew these. Great job!

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  16. I really want to make my babe Felix a onesie style button up shirt too! You're so magical.


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