
Need Your Opinion

6:41 PM

I currently have this watercolor art piece of the Colosseum in the black frame hanging from the shelf molding.
I got this idea from this How To Decorate a Bookshelf tutorial.
But I'm not sure if it works.
My husband thinks it looks weird.
I'm in the middle and can't decide.

I know it's hard to tell someone it stinks right to their face, or in a comment, so instead you can anonymously vote in this poll.

Keep the art on the shelf moulding?

Thanks for giving your opinion!

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  1. I voted. Interesting...in concept...

    That clock to the right, tho is frickin' awesome!

  2. I think its the lamps. Love the blue though.

  3. LOL...the funny thing is, again, until you pointed it out, I didn't even notice it, which means in theory, it works. But once you pointed it out, it's all I could see and it did look a little weird...maybe because it is the only one floating? Strange how that happens. I voted. :p

  4. I think it works, but I think it should be off centered, like not in between the two lamps, ya know. However, it still works the way it is. I like decorating ideas such as this.

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  6. I think it would look cool up a bit to the right inside that shelf on the wall and hang it right on the wall...I am talking about the shelf below the one with the basket where something white is. It would give it more dimension and take the focus of the lamps away too.

  7. I agree with Haley, you should try to have it ofcentred or if you like it between the lamps, try to have it exactly in the middle. Because now it's in the middle but not really (if you look at the hardware of the sideboard) and maybe thats why it looks a bit weird. Interesting concept nevertheless. On the other hand your husband spents a lot more time in there than your blog readers :-)

  8. Love the idea, but I think it needs to be a bigger frame, or more than one, to better fill up that space between the lamps. If you tell your husband you want to hang three pics from the bookcase is he going to ban you from blogging because your bloggy friends are totally weird? :o)

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