
Christmas Tree Skirt

9:12 AM

I looked around for different ideas on a tree skirt, but ended up keeping things simple.
It's the craft for Ucreate's Create With Me for November and December.
U Create

A few things different from the tutorial:
-I just used this linen fabric, not a drop cloth.  It took about 1 1/2 yards.
-I sewed a square of velcro rather than ties at the "neck" to hold it around the tree trunk
-Rather than sewing bias tape, I just serged the raw edges of the slit in the back
-I didn't double fold the red edge, I didn't have enough for that, so I just serged the edge and left it in a single, unhemmed layer, which made it really easy.
I also didn't ruffle it much.  Mainly because I didn't have much to work with.  So to gather my long red strip, I put my stitch length up to 5.0 and increased the tension to 10, so it takes bigger bites of fabric, and kind of ruffles it slightly as you sew.  I didn't adjust it anymore, and just sewed it to my linen circle.
I did a squiggle stitch on the edge, not that anyone will notice when it's on the ground or anything, but fun to do something different.

I had thought of appliquing "O Tannenbaum" around the curve of the front, but decided it would be covered with gifts eventually anyway, and I liked the simplicity of the skirt under the busy tree.

So if you need a skirt, I think this took less than 30 minutes, and was less than $3.00!
Now I need to pin down what I'm doing for the stockings I need to make.

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  1. I don't have a tree skirt - I have used a sheet for 3 years. Sad. I think it's time I just make one. Hopefully this is a simple enough pattern for this very novice novice.

  2. Love the tree and the slight ruffle on the skirt. Looks like "Better Homes".


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