
Nativity 3: Mom Feature

5:00 AM

Nativity from patterns by Sue Cottrell, currently unavailable unfortunately!
The shepherds were originally just the two men, but my mom made her own little shepherd boy.

She made one huge sheep, then the two little ones. 
The men shepherds have hand sewn noses, and the shepherd crook was copper tubing my mom bought in the plumbing section from Home Depot and she cut pieces and bent them herself.

I'm glad she added the little shepherd boy to the group.

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  1. I thought these little nativities looked familiar! Sue is my cousin (although I've always called her my aunt), and I am so baffled and delighted at what a small world this is!

    (Also, hi, I'm delurking to exclaim over your cute nativity and my family relations.)


  2. It's been so fun to see this nativity your mom made. I cherish all the crafty things my mama has made me.

  3. SO amazing!! What a wonderful keepsake! Your Mom is so talented

  4. I'm glad she added the little shepherd boy too. He is just so cute!

    The lambs are so darn cute too...can't help it I think I have developed a thing for lambs.

  5. Wow, I love this nativity! It is so detailed and amazing.
    It was fun to get your comment on The Sisters Cafe today - you made me laugh! :) It's fun to know that some of my friends come look at our recipes. :) I do love your breadbowls, and a bunch of your other recipes; I'm sure I'll post more! :)
    Merry Christmas!!


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