
Face Front Bookshelf

5:00 AM

Another project built all by myself! 
It's kind of sad my husband can't help since he has to work so much, we had a lot of fun working together on former furniture.  But it's kind of empowering for me to buy, cut, build and finish a piece of furniture all by myself.  Going in Home Depot and knowing my way around the lumber yard. Oh ya.  (You can tell my life is pretty basic.)
It's just exciting to learn new things I guess.
So this project started because I am so sick of the mess in my son's room!  He's only 2, but the books are always strewn everywhere.  I'm glad he likes to look at them, but I've been stacking them in his nightstand and he pulls them all out...pretty much every day.  There's also a hand full of books I like to read to him, but I don't want him ruining i.e. hardback Polar Express.  So I've been wanting to build this bookshelf originally from Pottery Barn Kids for $120.00,

then a DIY plan hacked by Ana at Knock Off Wood came along a few months ago,
and now built by me!
I bought the wood at Home Depot, and it was $28.00.  I already had the screws, glue, paint, etc.
So this was costing me around $30.00 total.  Pretty good to save $90.00 on it.  It's usually always cheaper to just buy junk and refinish it, but some things are too unique and I know I'll never find them, so I think it's worth it to build it. 
So using my miter saw, I was able to make all the cuts, then screwed everything together.
I just glued and nailed the baseboard on the bottom, and chose not to cut an arch up like the PB, I didn't want crap to be able to get under it.
Then I primed with an oil based primer because that's all I had, and more durability in the end I guess.
Then I painted it green.
1st coat Olympic Cavern Moss I had from the dresser.
2nd coat was Glidden Spanish Olive I originally bought for the file cabinet.

It ended up a little more muted than straight Spanish Olive, which is almost lime.  It's the same green method I used on the inner cubby of his nightstand.
Then there were a few last details, like using a handsaw to cut the base so it could fit flush against the wall, and securing L braces so it won't fall on his head.  I chose to screw them inside the top shelf and lower, so books would conceal them.
I am loving how it fits snugly in the corner, and it's great to have all the books stored in a shelf rather than piles on the floor.
The unfinished Roald Dahl table and stools are nearby for reading and coloring.
{I need to get working on those again sometime.  James and the Giant Peach is sketched on ready to paint.}
I love this piece of furniture, and hope it does in fact solve the problem of having books all over.
I guess we'll see, but if not, at least I have 2 shelves that are too tall for him to reach, so some control on which books are strewn everywhere.

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  1. this is great jessica, so so cool. I love it. Now just have to find a spot in our house where I can put it....

  2. Looks great. Looks like you bought it. Bet your friends will want you to build one for them.

  3. So cute! It's a really great idea, so RJ can see which books he wants.

  4. It looks great. I'm impressed. I do the sewing and crafting stuff, but leave most of the woodwork to my husband.

  5. I really like the shelf and would love one in my sons' rooms, but I'm sure they'd be climbing it/jumping off it at night, so may have to wait for a while. Great work!

  6. are you kidding me? This is AWESOME. I am totally showing this to my hubby...because I am not as cool as you and can't run a power tool by myself...yet at least.

    It looks great!

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  7. Good morning. I am very happy with your blog. Your blog is full of joy. please come back

  8. The book shelf you built looks AMAZING :) I too have drooled over the PB shelves and can't see spending crazy amounts of money on stuff we could make. Thanks for sharing

  9. Can you share how you did what seems to be a arch on the front lips and the rounding on the tops?

    1. The instructions from ana white use a jig saw to cut the curves and angle the holding brackets. I have a cheap Ryobi jig saw and it took a while to charge it between cuts, but ended up working in the end.

  10. Looks great! This is on my to build list for sure :)


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