home decor

Thrift Store Decor + Spray Paint

5:00 AM
Thanks for every one's suggestions on ideas of what to put in that wood planter box with handles. I ended up storing all my little cook books I don't use regularly, and actually had Italian cook books I put in front. So I've been spray painting a bunch of junk lately. I have a few of these, so I thought I'd bunch them...


make overs

Sideboard Refinish

12:09 AM
My mom bought me this sideboard from a local online classified. She bartered her way down to $30, and this was my birthday present last month. The listing was only up 5 minutes and she snagged it.  When she was picking it up that night, the seller said he'd got over 40 more calls after she called about it. So you know your mom loves you...


Need Your Opinion

6:41 PM
I currently have this watercolor art piece of the Colosseum in the black frame hanging from the shelf molding.I got this idea from this How To Decorate a Bookshelf tutorial. But I'm not sure if it works.My husband thinks it looks weird.I'm in the middle and can't decide. I know it's hard to tell someone it stinks right to their face, or in...


home decor

Mustard Lamps

10:42 PM
My first project for the family room, branching out with yellow. So I've been looking for two table lamps that match.  I found these ugly brass lampes at the thrift store, one for $4.00 and one for $5.00.  I know they obviously don't match, but they are the exact same height, and have similar shapes.  I'd been looking for a while, and decided they...



Family Room Ideas

5:00 AM
We've lived in our house over 6 months now, and I finally got some inspiration for our family room.  Since we've moved, I've had a long list of projects for each room, building furniture, decor, sewing pillow covers, slipcovers, etc. But I never could think of anything for the family room. But now I have a plan.  Here's my colors. But now I'm excited...


Merry Christmas!

11:32 PM
I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  We celebrated a day early because my husband had to work Christmas Day.  It was our first Christmas with just our little family, and it was a good Christmas.  Santa blew my son's world with a Thomas train set, making my handmade gifts completely uninteresting, which is OK and kind of what I expected.  He was...


Free Patterns

11:13 PM
I just got this pattern for 5 different style baby shoes for FREE! Go to HomeSpun Threads to check it out where you can "buy" any of her 29 patterns for free right now. I'm not sure how long this will last, but I'm excited to make some of these little shoes! var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-17358383-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() {...


art & craft

Chenille Scarf from a Sheet

11:39 AM
 I know it's probably too late to offer this as a Christmas gift idea, but here's a soft, upcycled handmade scarfc made from a soft vintage sheet. This scarf uses the faux chenille technique. Maybe you've seen the baby blankets Dana over at made created using this technique. It's basically sewing lines of multiple layers of fabric, then cutting between the lines to allow...


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