
Mustard Accessories

11:12 PM

I have fabric to make a dress for this summer.  But I got ahead of myself and made the accessories first, using  yellow spray paint.

BEFORE:  I got these purple pumps at Khols on clearance a few years ago for a few dollars.  I've only worn them once, and I thought I'd make them yellow.

So I taped off the heel, and jammed a plastic grocery sack in the shoe, used gray spray paint primer, then a few thin coats of yellow spray paint.

I wonder how long they'll last.  I assume the spray paint won't stay nice forever, and will eventually crack.

The next accessory to get the yellow spray paint make over were some plastic red beads I've had for a long time.  I strung them on twine and also primed and spray painted them.

They took a couple extra coats to turn and rotate them to get all the sides.

But now they're a simple necklace.  I think I may switch out the ribbon for something else, maybe put beads or knots between them to space them out a bit.

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  1. I can't wait to see what they go with!

  2. LOVE the color. I'll be excited to see how long it lasts. :)

  3. SOOOOOO impressed that you got into all the little crevices.

    Check out mine...


  4. Ooh, love that colour! Great idea to revamp everything!

  5. ok. I have GOT to figure out a way to get your creativity! What do you drink? I think i need some! This is such a clever idea

  6. What??? You spray painted your shoes! Never in a million years would I have thought to do this. They really look nice. You will have to keep us posted on how long it last.

  7. How clever! The shoes and necklace will look fabulous together!

  8. I'm impressed! I had no idea you could spray paint shoes! They look lovely!

  9. I've read the last 6 posts or so... and I am so stinkin' impressed by you. Seriously, you make me want to be a better person. I love your creativity!!


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