
Check out the Totes!

11:04 PM
Genevieve from Creative Spaces adapted the School Bag Tutorial to make herself a spanking vinyl beach tote.  It is made from an upcycled shower curtain and curtain liner she bought on clearance.  Love that!She decided rather than sewing the boat-load of button holes, to use metal eyelets.  I think it looks great.She has lots of great tips for using vinyl for this project, and...



4:04 PM
Thanks to Jenny pictured in the previous post, I have a button now! Pretty exciting for someone who isn't that technologically savvy.  So if you feel like it, you can copy the code on my sidebar, paste it in a HTML/ Java Script Gadget on your blog, and you'll have this wild thing on your side bar.  Thanks to anyone who choses to...


Nursing Shirt

4:56 PM
Remember a while back I made this nursing t-shirt? Well here is Jenny looking good in it, so you could see it on a person. She said it's been working great to make life easier as a mom. Once again, you can contact her if you are interested in purchasing similar nursing shirts in the future, as she has been working hard to...


Freezer Paper

Joke Tee-Shirt

11:15 AM
For a birthday gift for one of my husband's friends, we made this t-shirt with the freezer paper stenciling. It's an inside joke, so I'm assuming the friend will get it, and hopefully like it. I took a photo of my husband and just increased the contrast to give me an idea of which areas needed to be cut out and left. Dana...



Reading Nook {Part 1}

3:02 PM
STRIPPING WOODI never went into spontaneous labor, so I ended up going over-due with my son, and was induced.  <---- That is the night before I delivered, with my large protruding belly...doesn't it look a bit freakish?  Kind of like an alien.  Don't worry, I'd never show bare skin, you'd vomit right on your keyboard if you haven't already.It's amazing what the human body...


Not All Ideas Reap Good Results

2:36 PM
Blogs are weird in that you only see the best of people's lives, or in this case creations.  I'm not perfect, and many of my projects don't turn out the way I'd like...at all.  I've had this sweater for years.  It was too big when I recieved it, boxy, and I rarely wore it.So one night I thought I'd try to refashion it...


Kids Clothing

Pilot Hat

3:35 PM
I'm with the rest of you mothers of sons that have been enjoying the "Celebrate the Boy" Dana at MADE and Rae have been hosting.  I saw this tutorial for the Sweet Pea Pilot Cap and wanted to try it.  Here is the link for the tutorial, from Sew Liberated--great blog. It's a pretty easy project.  I used 2 t-shirts from the Good Will pile.  I...



Etsy...Time to Get Back Into It

10:45 AM
More ideas to add to the Onesie Summer Dress tutorial. I made a few more dresses with a few slight variations from the tutorial. These dresses are all available in my little Etsy Shop.  I have been working on restocking my etsy shop.  I worked really hard from October to December with capes, and needed a break.  So I decided January my month to sew/ craft just for me. ...


art & craft

Cozy Blankie

10:39 PM
My friend had a little daughter, and this is part of her gift.  It's a little blanket, kind of too small to swaddle or really wrap up a baby, but so silky on one side, soft and snuggly on the other side--it's more of a blankie. One side is lilac charmeuse satin, and the other is a lavendar almost furry soft minky. I...


Kids Clothing

Boys Bathrobe

4:07 PM
One of my projects that didn't use freezer paper stenciling...shocker.  A pattern this time too.  Simplicity: It's So Easy Pattern #7524 for Childrens Bathrobe & pajamas. My mom actually made the robe for all the grandkids for Christmas, and I personalized it with our last name..  My little guy is really thick and my Dad said he looked like a little boxer in his...



Summer Onesie Tutorial

10:43 AM
Easy sewing project to embellish a plain generic onesie into a cute, coordinated, convenient outfit.  Details on project and more photos of finished dress on actual baby HERE. This dress available for purchase in my etsy shop also. I hope this tutorial is straight forward and seems manageable.  Even if you are new to sewing, you can do it!  You could always leave...


6:41 PM
WORKING ON TUTORIAL FOR ONESIE SUMMER DRESS! in the mean time....My friend, Sarah nominated me for this award! She has a foodie blog: Redhead Recipes. Beyond recipes, she also gives info on which produce is in season, and random food holidays which are fun that I never knew existed. 7 Interesting Things about me: 1. I've never been able to purchase a button-up...


art & craft

My hEro is My dAd

11:09 AM
INSTRUCTIONS TO FREEZER PAPER STENCIL HERE. so you can make this cute shirt for your little boys I was really excited to have a little boy for lots of reasons, but one of my favorite things has been to see my husband and my son's growing friendship/ relationship.  I love how much son imitates his dad in many little ways.  I've always like...


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