
Baby Roundup

2:18 PM

Thank you so much for all the nice comments on the birth of our baby girl.  I read every one, and appreciate it so much.  She's almost a week old and we've been enjoying her chubby cheeks.  I'm feeling pretty great, and recovering much faster than I did with my son.  It's been one week, and I feel about where I was at 3 weeks with my first, so we're all doing well and are just enjoying this little girl.  My mom is here to help, and so we've actually been doing a few little projects in between trading snuggle time with Ellaria.
Since we've just had a baby girl, here's all the baby projects I've made these last few months, I thought I'd put them all together in case you need a baby gift, or are expecting yourself.



Diaper Covers,           Baby Knit Hats,       Itty Bitty Dress

Minky Quilt,             Butterfly Easter Dress,         Spring Scrunched Baby Dress

Christening Dress,             Giraffe Softie,          Painting: Mouse, Red Ripe Strawberry

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  1. Congrats on your baby girl! She's beautiful!
    I hope to have a baby girl someday (i have two boys) so I can use all these cute tutorials! You're so talented! Thanks for all you do!

  2. She is adorable. Thanks for a great round up. Enjoy that wee one!

  3. Ooh what a charming little girl.
    And must say a beautiful name ♥

  4. She is beautiful! God bless with your family. It is wonderful to see you create wonderful things for your precious child. Thank you for sharing with us.

  5. I just thought how wonderful it will be for your children when they are older not only to have these great keepsakes but also to be able to read about how you created them. They might not keep everything you make but they will be able to see how much you looked forward to have them in your family and how much you thought about them and all the little details you might otherwise forget...

  6. Congratulations! Your daughter is precious, and will look so adorable in all of the cuteness you've made for her :)

  7. She is so gorgeous!!!!!!!!! :) I went and looked through all your baby projects. They look so awesome! You did a great job! :)

    Cardigans and Cookie Dough


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