
Hot Rod {part 2}

10:30 AM

My two nieces spent a week with us, and it was lots of fun.  Staying up late, eating lots of treats, "extreme girl talk", and making a Halloween costume. 

My niece Brooklyn and her group of friends have decided to dress up as the characters from a silly movie called Hot Rod.  She sent me an email a couple months ago and asked if I could make it.  So she brought the movie and we watched it a couple times and I sketched my ideas for her stunt outfit.
She's the main character, Rod, who's a wanna-be stunt man.
Here's a photo of the actual character in the movie, and my sketch.
The girls helped make the costume, by painting all the stars and the stripes on the sleeves.
The stars were all painted using freezer paper stenciling.
To make the coverall suit, I used Brooklyn's pajama pants as a pattern for the pants, and a large t-shirt for the top.  I just hacked out lapels for the neck, but everything worked out.
The cape velcros onto the suit.

Costume in action.
We were filming a music video, and all the kids (my nieces and nephews) took turns wearing the costume and performing stunts.
We got so into filming the music video, however, I failed to get many photos of the actual costume!

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  1. What a cool aunt you are! And how much fun you all had together. The costume is hilarious.

  2. This was FANTASTIC!! You did a great job on the costume, and I LOVED the pics with the mustaches!! I bet they had a blast with you for the week. Thanks for sharing.


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